9m 28m billboard quotation

⒈How many square meters is a basketball court?
The standard size of a basketball court is: 28 meters long x 15 meters wide, a total of 42 square meters.
The basketball court is a basketball competition venue. It is a rectangular solid plane without obstacles.
For major FIBA ​​official games, the court is measured from the inside edge of the boundary line. For all other competitions, the appropriate authority of FIBA ​​has the authority to approve existing courts within the standard dimensions, with a reduction of 4 meters in length and 2 meters in width, provided that the changes are proportional to each other.
The height of the ceiling or lowest obstacle should be at least 7 meters. The dimensions of all new courts must be consistent with the 28-meter-long and 15-meter-wide requirements stipulated by FIBA ​​for major official competitions.

⒉What is the area of ​​a standard basketball court?

The standard playing field length is 28 meters and the width is 15 meters. The area is 420 m2.

Basic requirements for a standard basketball court:

1. The basketball game court is a rectangular solid plane without obstacles.

2. The height of the ceiling or the lowest obstacle should be at least 7m.

3. Each line on the court must be very clear and the line width is 0.05m.

Extended information:

Requirements for a standard basketball court:

Ground requirements:

Basketball court foundations include soil, cement, asphalt and wood. Where possible, wooden venues are generally used. Soil, cement and asphalt sites are more economical and are often used by grassroots units, but attention should be paid to the smoothness of the ground to pre vent injuries.

Any venue requires a flat ground with no protrusions, small pits, or small stones. It must be well maintained daily and the lines must be clearly drawn.

Quality requirements:

The surface of the foundation must not have cracks, no obvious rolling marks, no oil stains, oil stains and unmixed asphalt blocks, and no hardening or sinking , cracks, honeycombs or peeling and other phenomena.

There is no water blocking phenomenon on the surface.

Flatness: The allowable error of the 3m ruler is within 3mm.

Slope: in line with sports technology indicators.

25kg/square centimeter R50>10kg/square centimeter

Density: surface compaction density reaches more than 97%, dry capacity reaches more than 2.35kg/L .

Lighting requirements:

The lighting used to illuminate the competition venue should be at least 1500 lux. This luminosity is measured 1 meter above the court. Lighting should meet the requirements for television broadcasts.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia—Standard Basketball Court
