What kind of billboards can withstand typhoons?

作者: 郗仲怀, 发布: 2024-09-22 07:01:12

本文目录一览一、Which company has the best wind resistance coefficient of anti-aircraft artillery billboards

Which company has the best wind resistance coefficient of anti-aircraft artillery billboards? The industry is undoubtedly Qizi Advertising. The hot summer has arrived, and the inevitable typhoon has become a common occurrence. In addition to bringing coolness to the hot summer, typhoons also bring a test of the achievements of human civilization. The anti-aircraft artillery billboards of Qizi Outdoor Advertising Engineering Co., Ltd. generally have wind resistance levels of 10 to 11, and the safety factor is very high. However, in the face of devastating disasters caused by strong typhoons and super typhoons, only by taking adequate pre cautions can we Let our anti-aircraft artillery billboards stand safely in the typhoon season.

First of all, normal anti-corrosion maintenance of anti-aircraft artillery billboards must be carried out once a year (except for fully hot-dip galvanized anti-aircraft artillery). If rust, paint peeling, cracking, weathering, etc. are found, the base should be Clean, rust remove, repair and repaint.

The maintenance of component connections (welds, bolts, etc.) should be inspected once a year. If cracks in the welds or loose nodes are found, they should be repaired and tightened in time.

Lighting, power supply, and electrical control equipment should be maintained once a month to ensure the safety of electricity use.

Unexpected inspection and maintenance of billboard steel structures should be carried out during strong wind seasons. Pay attention to checking the safety of electrical appliances during thunderstorm season.

Aircraft gun billboards should undergo regular safety inspections to ensure safe use within the designed service life. Paint-resistant steel structures should be inspected every 2 to 3 years, and hot-dip galvanized steel structures should be inspected every 5 to 8 years.

Safety inspection content includes: structural strength, stiffness, stability verification and review, as well as inspection of production and installation quality; steel structure anti-corrosion and appearance inspection of node connections; safety inspection of column foot connections and foundations, electrical appliances Security testing, etc.

When encountering a typhoon that exceeds the designed wind resistance of the anti-aircraft gun, the canvas and base plate should be temporarily removed before the arrival of the typhoon to fully reduce the wind resistance of the anti-aircraft gun surface and pre vent the screen and base plate from being blown away by the wind. Hit pedestrians or buildings.

二、Is it useful to put tape on typhoons?
When a typhoon approaches, people often take some temporary protective measures, such as putting "meter"-shaped tape on the windows. The reason for this is that it provides extra support in the middle of the window, increasing its ability to withstand wind pre ssure and helping to pre vent glass from flying around and injuring someone if it breaks. In addition, this cross-pasting method can also help reduce the vibration frequency of the glass under strong wind, thereby improving safety and enhancing the protective effect to a certain extent.
When choosing tape, it is best to use a material with sufficient thickness and elasticity, such as yellow sealing tape, because this tape can provide better support. When applying the tape, make sure you do it in a diagonal or "meter" pattern and as far as possible to the outside of the window frame to provide the best support point for the center of the glass.
During a typhoon, special attention is also required when driving a vehicle. Strong winds may affect the stability of the vehicle, especially when driving on the highway. You need to be particularly careful with cross winds, which may cause the vehicle to lose control instantly. Therefore, you should slow down appropriately and hold the steering wheel tightly to pre vent the vehicle from deviating from the driving route. At the same time, try to avoid large vehicles, especially those loaded with cargo and covered with felt on top. If you have to follow such a vehicle, keep an adequate distance.
After strong winds, branches and other debris may be scattered on the road, and there may also be swaying trees and billboards. You should be careful to avoid them when driving. When you need to decelerate, you should try to use point braking or downshifting to decelerate smoothly and avoid emergency braking. When turning, you should slow down first, increase the turning radius appropriately, and operate the steering wheel slowly to pre vent the vehicle from slipping out of control.
If you encounter a strong rainstorm, even if the wipers are turned on, the visibility is still very poor. When the visibility is less than 100 meters, you should turn on the headlights, position lights, rear position lights and hazard warning flashers. If visibility further reduces to below 50 meters, you should immediately drive into a nearby service area or leave the highway to ensure safety.

三、What should I do if a typhoon comes?
Preparation stage. Pay close attention to weather forecasts and the latest information on typhoons to understand their intensity and movement path. Prepare flashlights, candles, drinking water, food, medicine and other emergency supplies. Check and strengthen the environment around your home, such as moving pots, furniture, billboards and other items that are susceptible to wind indoors or securing them.
Home safety. Make sure doors and windows are closed and put tape or rice-shaped pieces of paper on the window glass to pre vent the glass from breaking. Disconnect all unnecessary power sources and check the safety of circuits, stoves, gas and other facilities.
Avoid going out. Try to stay indoors and do not go out, especially when the typhoon is at its most violent.
Emergency handling. If you are outdoors, you should immediately seek shelter in a sturdy building and stay away from dangerous locations such as coastlines, large billboards, and temporary buildings. Avoid contact with downed power lines and cables, and stay away from areas with standing water to pre vent drowning or electric shock.
Emergency help. If you need help, you should contact the local emergency rescue center or relevant departments as soon as possible.
Post-disaster recovery. After a typhoon, pay attention to checking the environment around your home, cleaning up garbage and stagnant water, and pre venting insect-borne diseases.
