What is the required size for outdoor billboards to be reported?

1、Does installation of billboards in a community require urban management approval?
Yes, according to relevant laws and regulations, it needs to be reported to the urban management department first, and then the advertising company can discuss it with the property company.
Legal Analysis
If the flow rate is far lower than the minimum flow rate to ensure accuracy, it will result in no output (such as vortex flowmeter) or the output signal will be cut off as a small signal (such as differential pre ssure flowmeter) , which is detrimental to the supplier and unfair. In order to pre vent the loss of benefits, for a specific set of heat energy metering equipment, the supply and demand parties often agree on a certain flow value as the "agreed lower limit flow" based on the flow measurement range and the reachable range, and agree that if the actual flow is less than the agreed value , charged according to the lower limit of charging traffic. The metrological administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level may set up metrological verification institutions as needed, or authorize metrological verification institutions of other units to perform compulsory verification and other verification and testing tasks. Personnel who perform the calibration and testing tasks specified in the pre ceding paragraph must pass the assessment. This function is usually implemented in flow display instruments. The metrological administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall establish public measuring standard instruments based on the needs of the region, and they shall be used after passing the assessment conducted by the metrological administrative department of the people's government at the higher level. Enterprises and public institutions may, according to their needs, establish measurement standard instruments for their own use. Their highest measurement standard instruments shall be used after passing the assessment conducted by the measurement administrative department of the relevant people's government. Metrological verification work should be carried out locally and nearby in accordance with the principle of economic and reasonableness. Metrology verification must be carried out in accordance with the National Metrology Verification System Table. The National Metrology Verification System Table is formulated by the metrological administrative department of the State Council.
Legal Basis
Article 36 of the "Regulations on the Management of Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation"_Anyone who commits any of the following acts shall be ordered by the administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation of the city people's government or its entrusted unit to cease illegal acts , clean up, dismantle or take other remedial measures within a time limit, and may impose a fine: (1) Without the consent of the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government, large-scale outdoor advertisements are installed without authorization, affecting the city appearance; (2) Without the approval of the city people's government, With the approval of the administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation, materials are piled on both sides of the street and in public places without authorization, and buildings, structures or other facilities are built, affecting the city appearance; (3) Environmental sanitation facilities are demolished without approval or the demolition plan is not followed. Carrying out demolition.

2、Does door approval cost money?
No, you can apply directly to the urban management department under your jurisdiction for registration.
After approval by the industrial and commercial department, the following materials need to be submitted for approval of the billboard at the door of the self-employed store:
1. 2 copies of the store business license or approved industrial and commercial name;
2. 2 copies of the lease contract copies;
3. 2 copies of outdoor billboard renderings (the renderings must be in color, and the situation about 80CM above and below the door should be photographed when shooting);
4. Application report (including setting location, release time, Content, form, specifications, quantity; in duplicate);
5. 2 copies of property ownership certificate;
6. 1 copy of store location map; (can be downloaded from or other websites, but must be on the map Mark the specific location of the store);
Bring the above materials to the local government service hall for processing. After your materials are shown to the urban management, they will review them for you.
For example, after the acceptance hall of the urban management department accepts the application, urban management staff will inspect the site within a week. After that, leaders at all levels will review and approve the application, and then move to the industrial and commercial review content. If there is any link that they disagree with, it means that the approval was unsuccessful. If it is forcibly installed without approval, it will be dismantled first and then fined. Then it will be more troublesome and costly to get approval again.
Legal basis:
Regulations on the Registration and Management of Outdoor Advertising
Article 18
Units and individuals that violate the provisions of Articles 5 and 11 and publish outdoor advertisements without registration shall be subject to The industrial and commercial administration authorities shall confiscate illegal gains and impose a fine of not more than 30,000 yuan, and re-registration procedures shall be completed within a time limit. Those who fail to complete the registration formalities within the time limit will be ordered to stop publishing.
