How long does billboard law require quality assurance?

发布:2024-09-20 22:09:08 作者:秋叔攸

ˋ0ˊWho is responsible for the car being hit by a billboard

Legal analysis: The owner shall bear 70% and the insurance company shall bear 30%. Because billboards are installed in public areas, they are legal. Secondly, the strong wind knocked over the owner's car and smashed it because the strong wind is a natural disaster and cannot be avoided.

Legal liability has two meanings: broad and narrow. Broadly speaking, it refers to the obligation of any organization and individual to abide by the law and consciously maintain the dignity of the law. In a narrow sense, it refers to the mandatory legal responsibility that offenders should bear for illegal acts. Legal liability is closely linked to illegal acts. Only those who commit certain illegal acts (including legal persons) bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

There are clear and specific provisions in the law; the state's compulsory force ensures its implementation, and state-authorized agencies investigate legal responsibilities and impose legal sanctions in accordance with the law. Other organizations and individuals have no right to exercise this power. Legal liability is divided into: criminal legal liability, civil legal liability, administrative legal liability, economic legal liability, and constitutional legal liability. The principles of pursuing legal responsibility include: personal responsibility and no implication; the emphasis on education; and the principle of pursuing legal responsibility in accordance with the law.

Legal basis: Article 1252 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China. If a building, structure or other facility collapses or collapses and causes damage to others, the construction unit shall bear joint liability with the construction unit. , except where the construction unit and construction unit can prove that there are no quality defects. After the construction unit or construction unit has made compensation, if there are other responsible persons, it has the right to recover compensation from other responsible persons. If the collapse or collapse of a building, structure or other facility causes damage to others due to the fault of the owner, manager, user or third party, the owner, manager, user or third party shall bear tort liability.

╯△╰How long does the three-package guarantee for the door billboard last?
Six months. According to the query on Article 44 of the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that the parties may agree on the quality guarantee period. There is no agreement. According to Article 142 of the "General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China", the quality guarantee period is six months after the performance of the contract, so the three-guarantee warranty period for door billboards is six months. Dama's new three-guarantee regulations will be implemented on August 25, 1995. If products listed in the three-guarantee catalog are purchased after that date, consumers have the right to demand that the seller, repairer, and manufacturer bear the three-guarantee responsibility.