How to solve the problem of sudden tripping of billboard during operation

本文目录一览1、Home circuits keep tripping. what to do?

Causes and solutions for frequent tripping of electric switches at home:

1. Short circuit in the circuit

The air switch can be used for a period of time when it is pulled up. The air switch tripped, but the leakage protector did not operate. So this may be a circuit short circuit triggered by conditions. For example: Did an electrical appliance trip after being started? Then check the appliance.

2. The air switch does not match

This circuit uses high-power electrical appliances (air conditioners, washing machines, water heaters, bathroom heaters, etc.), but it is configured with a low-power air switch for load. It's easy to trip. If the total power exceeds the rated range of the circuit breaker, you may trip. At this time, it is necessary to replace the circuit breaker with a larger load power.

3. Loose circuit wiring or poor contact

This situation is also one of the common reasons for circuit breaker tripping. You can use a screwdriver to check the circuit breakers one by one after cutting off all the circuit breakers. Wiring joints and tighten them one by one, just in case.

4. The circuit breaker is damaged

This situation is relatively rare. When dealing with it, you can disconnect the circuit breaker and remove the load first. If it still cannot be closed, it means the circuit breaker is damaged. At this time, you can replace the circuit breaker with the same model.

Extended information:

The function of air switch

1. Current limiting and undervoltage protection: When the wire is short-circuited, A large current will occur, causing the appliance to burn out. The air switch has this function. When the current is greater than the current of the air switch, the switch will clutch to achieve the purpose of cutting off the power.

2. Short circuit protection: After using the air switch, it will automatically clutch when the line is short-circuited or grounded.

3. Overload and overheating protection: Overload means that the load is too large. The heating of the wire causes the reaction of the electromagnetic coil of the air switch, causing it to clutch.

4. Isolation and phase-to-phase protection: Generally, currents below 30mA are normal and acceptable to the human body. Leakage currents higher than this will be unsafe, so the air switch can isolate leakage currents above 30mA. It is the switch clutch within a few minutes (this value is determined based on the parameters of the air switch).

5. Leakage protection: Everyone believes that leakage can only occur to the earth. Some people say that only the main switch and the induction switch can respond. In fact, this is not complete. Air switches and single P air switches will also react to leakage.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Air Switch

2、Why does the circuit keep tripping?
According to your description, the cause of the trip is: the outdoor billboard light leaked, causing the circuit breaker to trip. As long as you remove the power cord of the billboard light from the indoor switch (or circuit), the tripping fault can be eliminated.

3、An outdoor billboard has a total of 18 lights. The power of each light is 450W and is connected to the street light circuit. The billboard all tripped after about 1.5 hours after it was turned on.
Then I can only say that it is amazing. , maybe there is a short circuit at the interface.

4、Why do outdoor billboards trip when it rains?
There must be something wrong with the circuit of this billboard. It may be a short circuit. If it rains and water comes in, the circuit will definitely trip.
