
广告牌 · 2024-09-24 11:25:40
Course English Poster - How to draw a handwritten newspaper for the first unit of English in the second volume of the fourth grade
English poster theme My University Life


Morethan6:30,Igotup,brushingtheirteeth,washyourface,asearlyastraining.8:00tostartthedayIpre ferthecoursecurriculumisinEnglish20:30everydaytogotobedtheTwodayseachweek'srestday,onweekendswhenIwouldplaybasketballwithfriends.Thisismycollegelife

My College life is very exciting.

I got up at around 6:30, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and exercised early. The course of the day starts at 8 o'clock. My favorite course is English. I go to bed at 8:30 every night. There are 2 days off every week. On the weekends, I will play basketball with my friends. This is my college life

What should I do during the summer vacation after my senior year of high school?

Things that students who have completed the college entrance examination can do during the summer vacation: 1. Understand the admissions status of majors in major colleges and universities, and check the admissions status of the majors you are interested in , learn in advance. 2. Obtain a driver's license and unlock new skills. 3. Travel with friends and experience the beautiful scenery and great rivers and mountains of the motherland. While having fun, don't forget some things you need to pay attention to after the college entrance examination.

Things you can do during the vacation after the college entrance examination:

1. Get to know your university in advance

1. Get to know the university through the Internet. Get to know where you are through the Internet. of the university, and learn about the school’s basic information through the school’s official website.

2. Join the QQ/WeChat group of freshmen at your university through the Internet. Through the freshmen group, students can learn things that are not available on the school’s official website, learn more about the school, and make new friends.

3. Go to the campus to familiarize yourself with the environment. Use your vacation to travel to the university where you have been admitted, and see the environment while traveling; recognize the street signs, look at the dormitories, find the canteen, and experience the learning environment of the university in advance. Experience the college life you are about to face.

2. Improve competitiveness In high school, you may be busy cultivating your own interests and hobbies. After entering college, you may feel out of place in the face of rich campus life. Before officially entering the university, prospective students can use the three-month summer vacation to improve their competitiveness and adapt to the requirements of the university. 1. Speech. For freshmen, practicing eloquence is very necessary. Whether you are running for class committee or applying for a student union interview, they will be used. 2. Learn English. You should know that many university degree certificates are related to English CET-4, so it is important to learn English well and practice good speaking at this time. In addition, it will also be very beneficial in your future life, study, or participating in various English interviews. 3. Get a driver’s license. Nowadays, a car is an essential tool for traveling. The driving test is different from the regular test in that it takes a while to get your driver's license. Therefore, when you have enough time, the sooner you take the exam, the better.

How to draw the handwritten newspaper for the first unit of English in the second volume of the fourth grade

The method of drawing the handwritten newspaper of the first unit of English in the second volume of the fourth grade is as follows :

1. First, write the theme at the top of the handwritten newspaper, write the three letters "ABC" in the lower right corner, add eyes to the letters, and draw a large border in the lower right corner of the border. Draw with three pencils.

2. Then we draw five-pointed stars of different sizes on the outside of the border, and a simple English handwritten newspaper layout design is completed.

3. Now let’s start coloring. We first paint the edge background color with blue, and paint the small stars with cyan, yellow and pink, and use gold and silver highlight pens to draw some small star decorations.

4. Continue to color the theme text. The letters in the lower right corner are colored red, yellow and pink, and the pencils in the lower left corner of the border are also colored.

5. Finally, we divide the border into two parts and draw horizontal lines in the border. A simple and beautiful English handwritten newspaper is completed.

Introduction to handwritten newspapers:

Handwritten newspapers are another form of expre ssion of newspapers that can be circulated, highly ornamental, and can also be posted. In schools, especially primary schools, it is a great form of activity for the school-based curriculum. Students usually make handwritten newspapers with watercolors and crayons. Like the blackboard newspaper, the handwritten newspaper is also a mass propaganda tool.

When writing a handwritten newspaper, from an overall perspective, you must first establish the theme. The layout of a handwritten newspaper is very limited. To make it unique, a theme must be highlighted in the content, and the theme must be prominent and colorful. The layout and beautification design should also revolve around the theme, determine the seriousness and liveliness of the form according to the theme and article content, and achieve the unity of form and content.







