
⑴The price of wall advertising

The quotation of wall advertising is determined according to the different wall resource conditions and materials across the country, as well as the quantity published by the customer. The general price is between Between 15-40 yuan/㎡. Why are there such big differences in prices? Because many factors determine the price.
1. The quantity of publication determines the price: If you only publish 10 advertisements, and publish one advertisement each in Jinan, Beijing, Taiyuan, Zhengzhou, Hefei, Shijiazhuang, Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, and Nanchang, the price may be 100 yuan/ ㎡, and no one picked up. If a 10,000㎡ wall advertisement is published in a county, such as Shuangcheng County in Harbin, the price may be lower than 30 yuan/㎡, because the cost is much lower than the former in terms of fares, tolls and work efficiency. In short, the greater the density of wall advertising distribution, the lower the cost and the better the effect.
2. The price is determined by the materials chosen for the advertisement: for example, whether the raw material for the advertisement is exterior latex paint, paint, or waterproof coating. If it is latex paint for exterior walls, it usually costs 20-30 yuan/㎡, paint is 15-20 yuan/㎡, and waterproof coating is generally between 9 yuan-15/㎡, so the difference in materials also determines the wall Advertised price.
3. The distinction between high and low walls also determines the price: Today, outdoor wall advertisements are generally divided into two types: high walls (size and height above 3 meters) and low walls (size and height below 2.5 meters). Because high walls Production and release requires tools such as ladders, which are slow and dangerous; therefore, the price of high walls is generally around 20-30 yuan/㎡. Compared with high walls, low walls are less dangerous and faster to work on. Relatively speaking, the price is lower than high walls, generally 18-25 yuan/㎡.
4. The color of wall advertisements determines the price: Commonly used colors for wall advertisements are generally red, yellow, blue, green, and white. These types of advertisements are more commonly used. But their cost prices are different, white is the cheapest and red is the most expensive. Followed by green and yellow. Again it's blue. For example, the difference between red and yellow, green and blue is about 0.5 yuan/㎡, and the difference between red and white is 1 yuan/㎡.
5. The complexity or simplicity of the advertising layout also determines the price. The layout of the customer's sample determines the price. The more complex the layout, the relative price will be slightly higher, and vice versa. For example: If the sample is only blue background with white characters, the price is about 15 yuan/㎡. If it is blue background with white characters, the white characters will be bordered with red. This may require one more process, and the price may be 0.5-1 yuan/㎡ higher.
6. Wall advertising resources determine wall price: The amount of wall resources determines wall advertising price. The more wall advertising resources there are, the smoother the project progresses and the cheaper the price will be relatively speaking. The general price is 15-25 yuan/㎡.
7. The weather conditions determine the price of the wall: For example, in the north, except for June, July and August, the weather is mostly sunny, so the construction speed can be relatively accelerated and the cost is relatively low, while in the south, there is a lot of rainy weather and the wall price is relatively low. The surface is not dry, the construction is difficult, and the general price is relatively high. The weather in early spring and early winter in Northeast China is very cold, making construction difficult and slowing down the construction costs.
In short, there are many factors that affect the quotation of wall advertising. We cannot not choose because some companies have high quotations, nor can we choose because some companies have low quotations. There are too many factors involved. When choosing a wall advertising company, customers should consult with various aspects before making a decision on choosing a wall advertising publishing company.

⑵How is the price of wall advertising generally calculated now?
Wall advertising is generally calculated based on square meters.
The specific price will be determined based on the area where you place the advertisement, the materials used for the advertisement, the advertisement time and other parameters.
For example, wall advertisements in rural areas may cost more than ten or twenty yuan a year, while wall advertisements in cities with a large flow of people may cost thousands or even tens of thousands a year. So I can only tell you that it is calculated on a square basis, and the price ranges from 10 to tens of thousands.
Of course, there are some cases where the calculation is based on blocks. For example, if a wall advertisement is relatively small, you can quote directly based on how much it costs. Generally speaking, if you want to place wall advertisements, you must first select the location. If the location is good, the price will be higher, if the location is poor, the price will be lower. In addition, whether the wall advertisement is painted on the wall or posted, the final price is The price of this ad.
