What does the billboard next to the highway mean?

本文目录一览壹、How much does it cost to rent large billboards on both sides of the highway for a year?
Basically, in areas with moderate living standards, the rent is 50,000 yuan per side, so the rent for a double-sided anti-aircraft gun billboard is 100,000 yuan. , the three sides are 150,000 yuan. On this basis, prices in less developed areas are lowered and prices in developed areas are raised. The final price also depends on the road section, traffic volume, the aesthetics of the sign itself, etc.

What are the forms of highway advertising?
1. Wall advertising forms. In terms of highway advertising forms, there are not only large advertising media such as single columns, but also wall advertising. Anyone who has been on an expre ssway knows that expre ssways are generally relatively long and pass through some urban areas or villages. Many builders will set up large wall advertisements along the road. The purpose is to allow vehicles and people on the highway to clearly see the advertising content on these walls, thereby achieving a certain product promotion effect. 2. Bridge advertising form. With the continuous development of road transportation in China, the situation of unobstructed highways has long appeared. Many "bridges" have appeared in the chaotic and constantly intertwined traffic arteries. 3. Building advertising format Highway building advertising is usually built on the building next to the highway. It has a relatively wide radiation area, a larger audience area, and wider communication.

What are the advantages of highway billboards?
1. High posture and high image. The overall effect of highway outdoor advertising is at the commanding heights of the visual environment, with a majestic image space. 2. Stability of carrier settings. Highways adopt closed management. Compared with urban areas, the stability of carrier settings can generally be maintained. 3. Cost advantage. Compared with other media, it is irresistibly attractive. The average cost is equivalent to 1/10-1/30 of other media such as television and newspapers. The cost advantage is obvious. 4. Good time allocation, and the trend of social activities is also beneficial to high-speed outdoor media advertising. Consumers stay at home less than before. Obviously, the effect of indoor media has been weakened than before.

贰、Can an individual privately own billboards on both sides of the highway? If so, what relevant procedures are required?

Yes. Relevant regulations on the approval of highway billboards:

1. According to relevant national highway regulations, the advertising management rights of toll highways should belong to units with road property rights. Billboards on highways need to pass through the highway. The company agrees.

2. Highway billboards are usually called single-column billboards. The layout size is generally 18 meters * 6 meters. According to national regulations, 30 meters outward along the roadside of the highway is the road property protection range. , but in fact, the road traffic regulations of various provinces generally have different provisions on this distance. For example, some provinces stipulate that the distance of national trunk roads is 50 meters, and that of general highways is 30 meters.

Extended information:

Highway advertising should be planned uniformly by the transportation department of the provincial people's government, and its Design and construction shall be subject to approval by the provincial highway management agency. Because the right to operate highway advertising is a right of toll highways. According to the "Toll Highway Management Regulations" of the State Council, the rights and interests of toll highways include the right to charge highways, the right to operate highway service facilities, and the right to operate highway advertising.

The highway advertising operation right is a usufruct right based on the highway structure itself and the highway land. It should be limited to highways (including highway ancillary facilities), highways and highways. The operation of advertisements within the scope of highway land, for areas outside highway land (including highway construction control areas), since the land ownership and use rights do not belong to the highway operator, it must be approved by the highway administration department.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Road Law Enforcement

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Highway Road Administration

叁、Who is in charge of the billboards on both sides of the highway?

Legal analysis: It is under the jurisdiction of the Expre ssway Administration Bureau. According to the relevant legal provisions of our country, except for those required for highway protection and maintenance, it is prohibited to construct buildings and ground structures in the construction control areas on both sides of the highway. If necessary, approval must be obtained from the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level. For highways, the distance from the outer edge of the highway land to the outside of the highway construction control area shall not be less than 30 meters. The installation of billboards within a distance of 50 meters from the highway guardrail is owned by the Expre ssway Administration. There are strict requirements for the location and size of billboards. The specific implementation methods are implemented according to the relevant rules formulated by each local management department. . Anyone who violates the regulations and installs other signs other than highway signs within the highway land shall be ordered to remove them within a time limit by the transportation department and may be fined not more than 20,000 yuan.

Legal basis: "Highway Law of the People's Republic of China"

Article 56 Except for those required for highway protection and maintenance, it is prohibited to build buildings in the construction control areas on both sides of the highway buildings and ground structures; if pipelines, cables and other facilities need to be buried in the construction control area, they must be approved in advance by the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level. The scope of the construction control area stipulated in the pre ceding paragraph shall be delimited by the local people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the principles of ensuring the safety of highway operations and saving land use and in accordance with the provisions of the State Council. After the scope of the construction control area is demarcated by the local people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the provisions of the pre ceding paragraph, the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall set up stakes and boundary stakes. No unit or individual may damage or move the stakes or boundary stakes without authorization.

Article 79 Anyone who violates the provisions of Article 54 of this Law by erecting signs other than highway signs within the scope of highway land shall be ordered to remove them within a time limit by the competent transportation department and may be fined not more than 20,000 yuan. fine; if it is not removed within the time limit, it will be removed by the transportation department, and the relevant costs will be borne by the installer.
