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计季忠2024-09-22 03:25:00威海广告网百科2486
本文目录一览(^^)How to write large characters on the wall

When writing large characters on the wall, you need to use some skills and methods to ensure the clarity, beauty and uniformity of the fonts. Here are some methods and techniques you can apply.

1. Pre-measurement: Before starting to write, you should first measure the location and size of the object to be written, and leave an outline on the wall. This ensures that the size, position, and spacing of the fonts meet the design requirements and avoids writing errors or deviations.

2. Use a paint sprayer: A paint sprayer is an efficient and fast tool that can be used to paint wall colors and write large letters. Using a sprayer allows the paint to be sprayed evenly and finely on the wall, creating a smooth and beautiful base color that will provide better adhesion for subsequent large characters.

3. Choose the appropriate font: The choice of font is an important part of writing large characters. You should choose the appropriate font according to the situation. For example, in commercial advertisements or displays, some script fonts or handwritten fonts can highlight the sense of design and personalization. However, clearer and more legible fonts should be used in public places or when writing slogans to ensure that people can easily understand the slogan or content.

4. Standardize font size: After determining the font, the size and spacing of each letter should be unified and standardized, which can make the large characters more neat and beautiful. You can use tools such as blackboard pen and ink to mark the parts of the letters that require paint color, and then fill them with paint.

5. Support frame: If you dare not write directly by hand, or want to write more regular and beautiful large characters, then using a support frame is a good way. The support frame can make the fonts more regular, neat and beautiful. Scaffolding to support the writing can be done on the wall first and then filled in with lettering.

6. The font color should be bright: Generally speaking, the color of large fonts should be as bright as possible, so as to attract attention and highlight the key points. When choosing colors, you should pay attention to the coordination with the surrounding environment, but it is not required to be exactly the same color. You can choose similar colors to create a warm and harmonious environment. It can be painted with ordinary paint or interior wall paint.

7. Verify spelling and grammar: Correct spelling and grammar are the basic requirements for writing large characters. Before writing big words, check your grammar and spelling in case you made a mistake or made a mistake. You can pre -print the template of the words you need to write, and then complete the writing on the wall.

In general, writing large characters on the wall requires skills and methods. You need to pay attention to fonts, font sizes, standardization, color matching, etc., in order to achieve a good effect. At the same time, during the writing process, you must also maintain enough patience and energy, and do not process in a hurry, otherwise it may lead to adverse effects.

(=`′=)What materials are suitable for hollow templates?
Stainless steel plates, galvanized plates, aluminum plates, PVC plates, kraft paper and other materials are suitable for hollow templates. The hollow template is carved out by using a template on a laser engraving machine. It is processed and formed in one step, and the cuts are smooth and flat. Hollow templates are commonly used in outdoor wall advertising, fire safety, home decoration, garages, outer packaging boxes, digital products, electronic equipment, mechanical equipment, street signs, code plates, safety doors, leather leather goods, graphic inkjet coding, etc.
Hollowing out is a carving technique. The outside looks like a complete pattern, but the inside is empty or inlaid with small hollow objects. In contemporary times, the word hollow is being used more widely. The fashion industry uses this to expre ss knitting or tailoring techniques, and hollow fashion is synonymous with transparency and sexiness. Many international famous brands have their own classic hollow styles, which are deeply loved by fashion people.
●﹏●How much does it cost per square meter for inkjet printing at a Nanning wall advertising company?
It’s not as expensive as the above said! I also specialize in advertising processing. I specialize in inkjet photo processing. The inkjet cloth costs 5.5 per square meter. Generally, you don’t need to use welding frames when ordering walls. You can just order them directly with wooden keels. Just add some labor costs. If It's cheaper to paint wall advertisements. It usually starts at 2,000 square meters and costs 6-7 yuan per square meter.
Prices in the advertising industry are now very transparent. That's as high as what was said above.
I have been doing advertising for several years. When did you investigate? Still such a price