Where to find Jinan electronic screen car body advertising

2024-09-23 13:45:34

ˋ0ˊWhat procedures are required for vehicle body advertising?

The required procedures are as follows:

1. According to Article 5 of the "Outdoor Advertising Registration and Management Regulations": The following advertisements shall be published in accordance with this It is stipulated to apply for outdoor advertising registration with the industrial and commercial administration authorities and obtain the "Outdoor Advertising Registration Certificate":

(1) Use of outdoor places, spaces, and facilities to publish, with display boards, electronic display devices, light boxes, neon lights Advertisements as carriers;

(2) Advertisements drawn, posted, and hung on the surface of vehicles, floating objects, aerial devices, inflatables, and models;

(3) Advertisements placed inside and outside subway facilities, urban rail transit facilities, underground passages, and stations, docks, and airport terminals;

(4) Other items that must be registered under laws, regulations, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. forms of outdoor advertising.

2. The outdoor advertising registration application shall be submitted to the industrial and commercial administration of the place where the outdoor advertising is released after the outdoor advertising publishing unit has verified the certification documents, verified the advertising content in accordance with the law, and confirmed that it meets the application registration conditions stipulated in Article 6. The agency proposed.

3. Registration applications for publishing outdoor advertisements using mobile vehicles such as transportation vehicles shall be submitted to the industrial and commercial administration where the units using transportation vehicles and other moving objects are located after fulfilling the review obligations stipulated in the pre ceding paragraph. The agency proposed.

4. When an outdoor advertising publishing unit applies for outdoor advertising publishing registration, it should submit the following application materials: (1) "Outdoor Advertisement Registration Application Form".

(2) The business license of the outdoor advertising publishing unit and the advertiser or a business qualification certificate with equivalent legal effect.

(3) Certificate of right to use the venue or facility where outdoor advertising is published. Including property rights certificate, usage agreement, etc. of the site or facility.

(4) Outdoor advertising samples.

(5) Other documents required to be submitted by laws, regulations and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Extended information:

To apply for outdoor advertising registration, the following conditions must be met:

(1) The outdoor advertising publishing unit shall obtain the Subject qualifications that are consistent with the application matters;

(2) The goods and services promoted by outdoor advertising are in line with the advertiser’s business scope or business scope;

(3) Outdoor advertising publishing unit Have the right to use corresponding outdoor advertising media;

(4) The location and form of advertising shall comply with the requirements of the local people’s government’s outdoor advertising planning;

(5) The content of outdoor advertising shall comply with the law Regulations and regulations;

(6) If it is required to be approved by the relevant administrative department, the party concerned has completed the relevant approval procedures;

(7) Laws, regulations and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Other conditions specified.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Outdoor Advertising Registration and Management Regulations

≥△≤What procedures are required for car body advertising?
The car owner must first go to the industrial and commercial department to register for car body advertising. , after reviewing the advertising content and not violating the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law, the industrial and commercial department will issue an outdoor advertising registration certificate. After the vehicle owner has gone through the approval and filing procedures with the industrial and commercial department, he can bring his ID card, "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" and "Motor Vehicle Driving License" to the vehicle management office. After the vehicle owner fills out the "Motor Vehicle Change Registration Application Form", the vehicle management department Confirm the appearance of the changed car body, issue a "Notice of Approval of Change" if it meets the regulations, and then go through the procedures of taking photos and issuing a new driving license.