Hangzhou shopping mall advertising light board caught fire

Recommend a good place in 400 words

Idea: Focus on the place you recommend and explain it with specific ideas.

Beijing, the imperial city, is the land at the feet of the emperor. With a longing for a strange land, after a six-hour journey, I finally faced the noisy and boundless Wangfujing. With the bustling crowds coming and going and the dazzling lights, you will suddenly feel: This is Beijing.

Beijing is the city with the most convenient subway transportation in China. You can transfer to any bus with just two coins. During the four and a half days I spent in Beijing, I relied entirely on the subway to get around. It was fast, cheap, and free from traffic jams. Of course, it was always crowded.

Dense cities with a population of up to 20 million have emerged. Lots and lots of people from all kinds of different countries. On my first day of subway travel, I met one of my most unforgettable foreigners. The blond foreign woman leaned in the corner of the carriage, proudly opened her carry-on bag and touched up her makeup. There was no mirror, and she just applied powder on her face, but it didn't feel out of place.

I suddenly felt that Beijing seemed to have deep-seated arrogance, the arrogance of connecting with the world. But in my mind, the word "ancient capital" is gradually drifting away.

It is said that it is not worth going to Beijing without going to the Great Wall. Perhaps it is not worth going all the way to see more. I went with a tour group. How much time I spent at the attractions and how much time I spent in the shopping mall. The tour guide was really far from the gentle image in my mind.

Taking the cable car up and down the Great Wall, just those few steps up the Great Wall seems boring. So we walked east and west again, but it happened to catch up with a heavy rain. The cable car stopped when we were going down the mountain, which almost delayed the return time, so that the tour group could wait.

Perhaps I was born to just stop and go in the small place of Hangzhou. Once I arrived in this big city, I accidentally lost my direction and lost my original intention. The world is afraid that this is also the case, otherwise, there would not be those northern drifters who are confused and boundless in the city of Beijing.

It is a huge contiguous building complex that served as the government offices and bedrooms of the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Previously, I only knew that the Forbidden City was huge, but I didn't know it was so big. In the real imperial city, the crowd at the foot of the city gate is also small. From morning to night, I just wanted to listen to the introduction on the tour guide’s phone. The sun was very hot and it was inevitable that I would get a tan. At this time, the most extravagant thing is the air conditioning in the small museum exhibition hall.

I met an old lady sitting and resting in a restaurant. The old lady greeted us enthusiastically and asked us where we were from. I heard that I came from Hangzhou and I was thoughtful. When I asked the old lady where she was from, she smiled and said she was from Hong Kong. He is over 70 years old and has flown all the way from Hong Kong. I don't know what kind of belief supported her like this. Maybe it wasn't the mood to come and see.

A flock of birds flew across the sky, hurrying on their way. The crowd of tourists in the Forbidden City is still endless. I think that in the city of Beijing, the name of tourism is walking, and the meaning of visiting lies in understanding.
