
2024-09-23 17:20:25

What is the difference between CBA and NBA games?

In fact, the biggest gap between CBA and NBA games is the gap in player ability. Because the players in the NBA league are all top basketball players from various countries. It can be said that players who can play in the NBA have very outstanding abilities and technical levels. Moreover, the NBA league is a highly commercialized league, so this also allows the NBA to earn a large amount of revenue through commercial development every year. And we have also seen that the NBA uses these revenues every year to improve the viewing experience of the league and the maintenance of equipment in the arena. That's why we see that the NBA's broadcasting level is very good.

However, although the CBA has achieved remarkable development, it is still at a semi-professional level compared with the NBA. So we see that CBA has big problems in some system design and business development. It is pre cisely because of the existence of these problems that the CBA is unable to use commercial development to enhance the visibility and level of the entire league. It is for this reason that the CBA is unable to attract outstanding basketball players to join. Although the CBA has attracted many foreign players to join in these seasons, most of these foreign players have not been able to develop and gain a foothold in the NBA.

And we see that NBA team coaches have a far better understanding of the team's tactical system than CBA team coaches. This is mainly because most NBA coaches have been tempered in many games, which also allows NBA coaches to have better experience in polishing the team. Although the CBA has hired a large number of foreign coaches in recent years, most of these foreign coaches cannot improve the strength of local players.

So we see that the gap between CBA and NBA is all-round. However, if the Chinese Basketball Association can make certain progress under the leadership of Yao Ming, I believe the CBA can also win its own spring. Because only by improving the level of the league can we cultivate very good basketball players.

CBA venue specifications
The CBA court adopts the FIBA ​​standard basketball court.
1. Court: It is a rectangular solid plane with no obstacles. For major FIBA ​​official games, the court is measured from the inside edge of the boundary lines. For all other competitions, the appropriate authority of FIBA ​​has the right to approve existing courts within the following dimensions: length reduced by 4 meters and width reduced by 2 meters, provided that the changes are proportional to each other. The height of the ceiling or lowest obstacle must be at least 7 meters. The lighting of the stadium should be uniform and the brightness should be sufficient. Lighting equipment must not be placed so as to impede the vision of team members. The dimensions of all new courts must be consistent with the requirements set by FIBA ​​for major official competitions: 28 meters long and 15 meters wide.
2. Lines: width is 0.05 meters (5 cm)
(1) Boundary line: The court boundary line is at least 2 meters away from spectators, billboards or any other obstacles. The boundary line on the long side of the court is called the sideline, and the boundary line on the short side is called the end line.
(2) Center line: Draw a line parallel to the end line from the midpoint of the side line, which is called the center line; the center line should be extended 0.15 meters (15 centimeters) beyond the side lines on both sides.
(3) Free throw line, restricted area and penalty area:
1. The free throw line should be parallel to the end line, and its outer edge should be 5.80 meters away from the inner edge of the end line; the length of this line is 3.60 meters rice. Its midpoint must fall on an imaginary line joining the midpoints of the two end lines.
2. The ground area formed by drawing two lines from both ends of the free throw line to a place 3 meters away from the midpoint of the end line (both measured from the outer edge) is called the restricted area. If you tint inside the restricted area, it must be the same color as the tint inside the center circle.
3. The penalty area is the restricted area plus the semicircular area drawn outside the restricted area with the midpoint of the free throw line as the center and a radius of 1.80 meters. The semicircle within the restricted area shall be drawn as a dotted line.
4. The position areas on both sides of the penalty area are for players to use when taking free throws. The drawing method is as follows:
(1) The first line is 1.75 meters away from the inner edge of the end line, measured along the sidelines on both sides of the penalty area.
(2) The width of the first position area is 0.85 meters (85 centimeters) and is connected to the beginning of the neutral area.
(3) The width of the neutral area is 0.40 meters (40 cm) and is painted solid with the same color as other lines.
(4) The second position area is adjacent to the neutral area and has a width of 0.85 meters (85 cm).
(5) The third position area is adjacent to the second position area, and the width is also 0.85 meters (85 cm).
(6) All lines used to draw these position areas shall be 0.10 meters (10 cm) long and perpendicular to the outside of the penalty area sideline.
(4) Center circle: The center circle should be drawn in the center of the court, with a radius of 1.80 meters, measured from the outer edge of the circle. If you tint the inside of the center circle, it must be the same color as the tint inside the restricted area.
(5) 3-point shooting area:
1. 1.25 meters away from the sideline, with two parallel lines drawn from the end line;
2. The radius is 6.25 meters (measured to the circle The arc (semi-circle) of the outer edge of the arc intersects the two parallel lines;
3. The center of the arc must be at the intersection of the center vertical line of the opponent's basket and the ground. The distance between the center of the circle and the midpoint of the inner edge of the end line is 1.575 meters. Note: If the width of the court is less than 15 meters, the arc will still be drawn according to the above-mentioned radius of 6.25 meters.