How to make ultra-thin advertising light box

本文目录一览壹、How to make an ultra-thin light box

1. Frame and mask

The main components of large light boxes are steel and plastic structures, and the double borders of the base are made of steel chain sails or stainless steel It is composed of welding, and the pattern cover is made of glass plate, organic glass plate, light box cloth, etc. The main components of small door heads, pole-type and hanging light boxes are injection molded frames, and the pattern covers are mostly made of glass, plexiglass or transparent plastic plates.

2. Pattern printing carrier

The printing carrier of the light box can be made of synthetic paper, inkjet film, self-adhesive film, light box canvas and other materials according to its structure and production process.

3. Auxiliary light facility

The auxiliary light of the light box (commonly known as lighting) is designed according to the structure of the pattern, the printing material, the thickness of the printing ink layer, and the pattern format. In the past, ordinary fluorescent lamps were mostly used. With the application of new lamps, the auxiliary light of light boxes has also developed from a single lighting to multiple types of lighting. The resulting picture quality, uniformity, and softness have been greatly improved.

4. Contracting of ridge printing materials

The types of printing materials that can be used are mostly special paper, inkjet film, light box cloth, etc. As far as paper is concerned, in order to pre vent ink dots from spre ading on the paper, the surface of the paper is required to be smooth. High-gloss photo paper is generally used, and its surface is coated with a very thin transparent coating.

贰、How to make the picture of ultra-thin dynamic light box?

There are many types of dynamic light boxes, including EL dynamic light boxes, LED dynamic light boxes, and secondary luminous tube dynamic light boxes.

EL dynamic light box is activated by luminous powder and silver sauce. The program in the controller controls the time point of each luminous part to produce various dynamic effects. Silk screen technology is required to produce the circuit. The materials used are harmful to the human body. Due to the insufficient light emitted, it cannot be used in bright places during the day. EL dynamic light boxes are more practical to use in dim bars.

The LED dynamic light box is controlled by the LED light source under the lamp to produce a dynamic effect. The light emitted far exceeds EL, and it can be used in a wide range of places. Advantages available indoors and outdoors. As LED lamp beads become smaller and smaller, direct lighting technology combined with light guide plate side lighting technology makes the dynamic effects of the picture more and more abundant, and the dynamic effects produced have surpassed EL, such as invisible luminous effects, color changing effects, and gradient seamless effects. Interface effects, etc., cannot be achieved by EL. LED can achieve richer effects than EL through strong light transmission, lamp beads changing colors, and lamp beads gradually brightening.

The LED light board is equipped with circuits and LED light source control chips. This kind of light box has high technical content and requires programmers to write code for the chip. Mass production requires high speed. LED patch machines and advertising companies that can make light boxes are not capable of making LED dynamic light boxes. They do not have all the conditions and can only take orders under various banners. In fact, they all need to find electronic technicians who are capable of producing LED light sources. It is made by a source company that specializes in the production of LED dynamic light boxes. It has the production strength to mass produce. Only a few factories in the country can do this with high quality and quantity.

LED dynamic light box

叁、How to make LED ultra-thin light box?

There are many things that need to be paid attention to when making ultra-thin LED light boxes, but different types of light boxes have different things to pay attention to. What are the things that need to be paid attention to when making ultra-thin light boxes? These light box pre cautions It is something that every light box production company must master. If it is not mastered, the result of light box production will not achieve the ideal effect. LED light boxes are very versatile.

First, when making LED ultra-thin light boxes, it must first be clear that in order to ensure firmness, the size of LED ultra-thin light boxes cannot be too large. Currently, Hangzhou Red Top Ultra-thin Light Box Technology Factory The maximum size of the ultra-thin light box produced is 2 meters * 6 meters, and it is best not to drill holes in the acrylic board and fix it with screws. Instead, it should be fixed with special adhesive or by embedding the board into the frame. In addition, Note that there should be heat dissipation holes on the sides of the light box.

The second is lighting. To achieve good visual effects with ultra-thin light boxes, the relevant lighting configuration must be carefully considered. Due to the rich colors of acrylic boards and the wide variety of lighting fixtures, it seems impossible to formulate a simple set of rules to ensure that each different light box sign has the best visual impact, but for most forms of signboards That said, the lighting method to be used is pre dictable. Every unique sign, sign, and light box requires pre -production samples to ensure the best lighting effect.

Third, it is the brightness of the light box. Brightness refers to the brightness of a certain point on the surface when viewed from a fixed angle. At pre sent, the brightness of the LED ultra-thin light boxes produced by Hangzhou Red Top Light Box Advertising Technology Factory generally reaches an illumination level of about 10 lux. Of course, we can meet the customer's brightness requirements for LED light boxes and achieve an illumination level of 50 lux. More advertising production services are available on Advertising Buying and Selling Network. In short, under different optical concepts, brightness is the most important design-related factor for luminous signs. Want to know more about the production of LED ultra-thin light boxes.
