Are there any size requirements for urban management billboards?

一、Do I need to apply to the urban management for approval as a doorman?
Door billboards are also called store signs or store signs, and are included in the scope of outdoor advertising management.
Many cities have issued relevant regulations, which have clear requirements for the size and material of shop signs, and you need to go to the local urban management department to go through the approval procedures in advance.
What are the procedures required for store door approval
Application conditions:
1. The applicant is a commodity operator or service provider who sets up commercial outdoor advertising;
2. The setting up of outdoor advertising facilities must meet the requirements Urban planning and streetscape planning requirements must be coordinated with urban regional functions and meet the requirements of beautifying the city. They must not affect the functions of the building (structure) itself and the lighting and safety of adjacent buildings (structures), and must not hinder traffic or affect Fire exits shall not damage the appearance of the city. Outdoor advertisements on the top of the same high-rise building must be of the same height from top to bottom, with the front and rear facades flush and connected to each other, and strive to use neon lights and synchronize the overall lighting.
The procedures required for store door approval:
1. The merchant first goes to the urban management and supervision squadron in the jurisdiction to apply for a door setting permit and obtains the opinions of the urban management and supervision squadron in the jurisdiction;
2. Bring the urban management and supervision squadron with him According to the opinions of the squadron, go to the convenience center in each district to apply for a door opening permit;
3. After the convenience center agrees with its application, it takes the application to the urban management and supervision squadron within its jurisdiction. The squadron issues the merchant an outdoor door opening in the urban area. A copy of the signboard and facade decoration permit and the city's outdoor advertising facility installation permit. With these two certificates, businesses can carry out advertising installation and decoration, but note that the construction must be completed within the dates specified in the two certificates. If the construction cannot be completed on time within the deadline, After completion, if an extension is needed, an application should be made to the urban management department.
4. After the decoration is completed, report it to the urban management and supervision squadron within the jurisdiction. The urban management and supervision squadron will go to the site to inspect the completed outdoor advertising. After the application specifications and styles are correct, the Kunming City Outdoor Advertising Facilities Installation Permit will be issued ( original).
In addition, the license for setting up outdoor advertising facilities is reviewed once a year. If you want to continue to use it after the expiration, the merchant should submit an application for setting up the facilities in accordance with the relevant regulations before the expiration and go through the approval procedures again. If the procedures are not completed within the time limit, you will be charged Considered an illegal setting.
Finally, the materials required to apply for an outdoor advertising facility installation permit are:
1. Apply for an outdoor advertising installation permit that states the specific location of the store, the structure (material), and size (length, width, and height) of the installation. Application form for the certificate;
2. A copy of the business license, real estate certificate or house rental contract and legal person ID card; 3. Pictures of the original location and renderings of the objects to be installed.
Legal Basis
"Urban Management Regulations of the People's Republic of China" 11. Outdoor advertisements, placards, galleries, windows, etc. should be set up in the city, with healthy content, beautiful appearance, and regular maintenance, decoration or removal.
The installation of large-scale outdoor advertisements must obtain the consent of the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government, and go through the approval procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.
