Simple side hanging billboard

⑴What are the common forms of outdoor advertising?

Outdoor advertising refers to the form of advertising set up in public places. It is also the earliest of all forms of advertising. The largest form of advertising, whether in the past, now, or even in the future, outdoor advertising is one of the most important forms of advertising in the media industry. Because outdoor advertising has the characteristics of large area, easy to attract, simple and bright, it is particularly favored by brand owners. Outdoor advertising classification: single column billboard. Single column billboard is the most common type of outdoor advertising. The billboard is placed Advertising equipment is installed on special support columns, mostly column-type T-type or P-type. Advertising equipment is set up on highways, main traffic arteries and other places, facing the dense flow of traffic and people. The generally used scale is 6 meters high by 18 meters wide, and spotlights are mainly used as lighting equipment. Outdoor advertising classification: spotlight billboards, spotlight billboards. Billboards with spotlights or other lighting equipment nearby are called spotlight billboards. Its characteristics are beautiful appearance, excellent lighting effect at night, and advertising information can be clearly seen. Outdoor advertising classification: light box advertising. Light box advertising uses high-quality LED light sources. The light box is durable, durable, has a long life, and has extremely low maintenance costs. Exquisite appearance, ultra-thin and ultra-light. The light box can be as thin as 2 cm and as light as 0.5kg. The diversified design of light box advertising and the flexible flashing method make the advertising effect more obvious. It is suitable for shopping malls, barbershops, beauty chain stores, railway stations, highway toll stations, parking lots, hotels, entertainment venues, bank photo studios and other places. Outdoor advertising classification: car body advertising, body advertising, as the name implies, is based on means of transportation, including private cars, buses, subways, trains and other means of transportation. Car body advertising is a means of transportation, so it has mobile characteristics, which can increase the scope of advertising. It has a wide coverage area and strong penetration. It can cover the streets and alleys of the city and even every nook and cranny. As well as the high frequency of consumer contact, it effectively makes up for the outdoor advertising in What is lacking in the mode of communication has a common communication advantage. Outdoor advertising classification: hanging advertising, hanging advertising is set up in front of the hotel and on telephone poles on both sides of the road, creating advertising forms such as light box advertising, LED, digital TV advertising, etc. This advertising mode has the advantages of convenience, directness, and wide dissemination of information, but it has a small display area. Hanging flags on lampposts on both sides of the street is also called road flag advertising and is also a type of hanging advertising. Outdoor advertising classification: wall advertising, wall advertising, empty wall advertising, refers to the advertising on the wall of the house. Because it is restrictive, this kind of advertising is more common in towns and cities, and can be seen every day, so it cannot be refused. Mandatory media. And wall advertising has become a beautiful landscape in the countryside. No matter on both sides of national highways, provincial roads, county roads, or around counties, towns or at the entrance of villages, there are wall advertisements to accompany you. This is also unmatched by newspapers and TV media.

