Folding outdoor billboard stainless steel

1、What is an outdoor billboard?
Outdoor billboards are billboards placed outdoors and are called outdoor billboards. Common outdoor advertising types include: roadside billboards, tall pillar billboards (commonly known as anti-aircraft guns), light boxes, neon billboards, and LED screens. Since outdoor billboards are exposed to the outdoor environment for a long time, their production requires careful design and processing. The following are the main steps for outdoor billboard production:
1. First, take measurements. According to the performance requirements of stainless steel outdoor billboards, measure and calculate relevant dimensions, such as the size of single-sided or double-sided billboards, required steel plate thickness, stainless steel material dimensions, etc. When measuring the height, appropriate heightening is required to ensure that the billboard can adapt to the requirements of different locations. For example, the fixing methods and depth of billboards on highways and residential areas will be different because they are located in different environments.
2. Secondly, design billboards rationally. According to the customer's needs, the designer will design the billboard drawings to be more reasonable, including size, stainless steel plate thickness, welding or fixed position, etc. At the same time, designers will also consider the specific requirements of customers, such as the resistance ability of billboards. During the design process, Guangzhou Fengyuan Advertising Co., Ltd. will fully communicate with customers to ensure that the design meets customer needs and clearly reflect these requirements on the design drawings.
