How much does a square meter of 3cm thick aluminum-plastic panel billboard cost?

2024-09-23 10:13:09
I、How much does it cost to apply aluminum-plastic panels per square meter?

60-180 yuan.

The price of separately pasting aluminum-plastic panels varies depending on the area and requirements, and the installation height. The general practice should be 120-180 per square meter.

Things that are simple in shape, easy to construct, have a large partition area, do not need to burn keels, and do not need to erect grilles and scaffolding. The cheapest one is 60 yuan per square meter, and on the contrary, it is 150 yuan per square meter. Not high. If it is contracting work and materials, it should also be discussed based on the specific situation, usually around 380-450 yuan per square meter.

Extended information:

Aluminum-plastic panels weigh only about 3.5-5.5 kilograms per square meter, so they can reduce the damage caused by earthquakes , and easy to transport. Its superior construction performance requires only simple woodworking tools to complete cutting, cutting, planing, bending into arcs, and various shapes at right angles. It can cooperate with designers to make various changes and installations. Simple and fast reduces construction costs.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Aluminum Plastic Panel