Common outdoor billboard costs in Chongqing


Common outdoor billboard costs in Chongqing
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-22 07:58:13


⓵What is the size of Chongqing outdoor advertising T-plate?
The size of outdoor advertising T-plates generally does not have a fixed standard and can be customized according to actual needs. However, there are generally two ratios of common T-shaped sign sizes. One is 3:1, such as the width is 6 meters, the length is 18 meters, and the total height is 18 meters; the other is 4:1, such as the width is 7 meters, the length is 28 meters and the total height is 28 meters. These sizes are for reference only, and the specific size needs to be determined based on the location of the ad space, surrounding environment, and advertising content.
⓶The billboards around Chongqing North Railway Station (Longtousi Railway Station)
should be red and blue. Pay attention when you look at them, because there are several software park brands there that are like this. Only those with English will count.
