Clothing store gray background billboard color matching

What color words look good on the gray floor of a clothing store
1. White fonts will increase the brightness and increase the overall visual refreshing feeling
2. Black fonts will reduce the brightness, but will give people a cool feeling Cool feeling
The above two colors are very classic and versatile. Depending on the positioning of your clothing, if it is connotative, artistic, and quiet, you can use white fonts.
If it is for young people and the clothing is personal, you can use black.

Does the clothing store plaque look good with a gray background and white characters?
The effect of yellow circles and white characters is the best. The effect you see on a flat surface is very different from the three-dimensional effect in reality.
With LED lighting, the white color is very prominent, and the red and black stripes in the background are not eye-catching at all. Feel free to use the third option.
(If you are worried, you can add a circle of small lights of other colors around the edges of the words. The LED effect is still very powerful)
