How much does a roadside billboard cost?

To apply for the production and installation of billboards on the roadside, which department requires approval and what procedures are required?
The simplest method: entrust an advertising company to take full responsibility. You only need to pay and choose the location.
If you are an advertising company, then find an advertising company with outdoor publishing rights to cooperate.
If you want to do it yourself, you must first get approval from many departments such as industry and commerce, construction, urban construction, urban street lighting administration, urban landscaping, etc.! Then find Hulan construction company to build it!
The supporting documents that should be provided when applying for the "Outdoor Advertising Registration Certificate":
(1) A copy of the business license.
(2) A copy of the advertising business license.
(3) One copy of the advertising contract (original).
(4) One copy of the agreement for the use of the advertising venue (original).
(5) Approval from relevant government departments is required in accordance with laws and regulations, and approval documents issued by relevant departments must be submitted.
(6) An "Outdoor Advertising Registration Application Form" must be filled out.
Registration Procedures and Relevant Requirements
(1) Application for registration of outdoor advertising shall be made to the industrial and commercial office of the place where the advertisement is released thirty days before the advertisement is released, and supporting documents will be awaited. Registration will be accepted after everything is ready, and registration fees will be paid as required.
(2) Outdoor advertisements that have been reviewed and approved must be published according to the registered location, form, specifications, time, etc., and may not be changed without authorization. The registration approval number must be published at the same time as the advertising content.
(3) If an outdoor advertisement is not published within three months after registration, it shall apply to the original registration authority for deregistration.
If you have already registered and need to extend the advertising release time or change other registration items, you should apply to the original registration authority for change registration.

Which department is in charge of roadside billboards?
Which department is in charge of roadside billboards? There are the following situations:
1. Erecting billboards on the side of the highway shall be unified by the transportation department of the Provincial People's Government. The planning, design and construction shall be approved by the provincial highway administration agency.
2. Erecting advertising signs on the side of the road is under the coordination of various departments such as road administration, greening, and urban management, and handles relevant procedures. Of course, each region may be different, so you can consult directly locally.
1. Types of billboards on the roadside
1. Single-column billboards
Billboards are placed on special support columns, most of which are column-type T-shaped or P-shaped. The billboards are facing dense According to the flow of traffic and people, advertising devices are set up on highways, main traffic arteries and other places. The commonly used size is 6 meters high by 18 meters wide, and mainly uses spotlights as lighting equipment.
2. Bus shelter billboards
Usually, they are outdoor media installed in bus shelters, with light boxes as the main form of expre ssion. The advertisements arranged in this type of media are mainly for mass consumer products.
3. Large light boxes
Basically they are installed on the exterior walls of buildings, as well as on the roof or podium. It is a colorful billboard during the day, and when it is lit at night, it becomes an "internally lit" light box advertisement.
It should be noted that road safety is no small matter, and don’t do it out of spite. To ensure the safety of people traveling, please do not install billboards on both sides of the highway without permission.
Legal basis:
"Highway Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 54
No unit or individual may operate within the scope of highway land without the approval of the transportation department of the local people's government at or above the county level. Install signs other than highway signs.
Article 79
Anyone who violates the provisions of Article 54 of this Law by erecting signs other than highway signs within the scope of highway land shall be ordered to remove them within a time limit by the competent transportation department and may be fined not more than 20,000 yuan. Fines; if it is not removed within the time limit, it will be removed by the transportation department, and the relevant costs will be borne by the installer.
