
When I was in the first grade of junior high school, the teacher asked me to make a name tag. How could I make one if I didn’t make one?

The tools needed to make a name tag include a piece of cardboard, double-sided tape, and an oil-based marker. The detailed production steps are as follows:

1. You can follow your own pre ferences Choose the color of the cardboard. The one chosen here is white. I feel that the black text on the white paper is more eye-catching. (If you don’t have paper jam at home, you can just find a piece of cardboard).

2. Divide the cardboard into three equal parts, with the end part slightly larger and fold it to make a mark for gluing.

3. Apply the double-sided tape, do not tear it off first.

4. Close the cardboard, find the position of the other two equal parts, and fold it firmly to make a neat imprint.

5. Except for the side on the table, write names on the other two sides. Make sure they are in the correct position and do not write them backwards.

5. Tear off the double-sided tape, stick the cardboard together, and a neat name tag is ready.
