Zhoukou billboard removal standards

本文目录一览⑴If you want to do bus advertising in Zhoukou City. Which routes are better to choose?
No. 2 is the main trunk line, there are intercity buses No. 11, No. 13, No. 3 and small buses from Zhoukou to Shangshui

⑵What happened to the hail in Zhoukou?
Zhoukou City was hit by violent storms around 16:40 yesterday afternoon, causing more than a thousand trees in the urban section to be uprooted, some with a diameter of one meter. According to personnel from the local meteorological department, some counties and cities in the city experienced strong convective weather with strong winds, thunderstorms, and hail. The maximum instantaneous wind speed reached level 10 at 27.1 meters/second, the maximum hail diameter reached 10 millimeters, and the pre cipitation amount was about 10 millimeters. Hailstones photographed in Zhoukou, Henan Province on June 3. Xinhua News Agency reported that violent storms caused more than a thousand trees to be uprooted on urban roads, some with a diameter of one meter. Atlas of heavy rains in various places >> CCTV International reported on June 4 that at 16:45 on June 3, violent storms and hail suddenly hit Zhoukou, Henan. According to personnel from the local meteorological department, some counties and cities in the city experienced strong convective weather with strong winds, thunderstorms, and hail. The maximum instantaneous wind speed reached level 10 at 27.1 meters/second, the maximum hail diameter reached 10 millimeters, and the pre cipitation amount was about 10 millimeters. The violent storm caused more than a thousand trees to be uprooted on urban roads, some with a diameter of one meter. Street billboards, street lights, electricity and other facilities were damaged to varying degrees. Nearly a hundred citizens were injured by large trees, glass, billboards and other equipment. and other objects were smashed to varying degrees, affecting citizens’ travel and life. (Source of this article: CCTV International)
The above is what I saw on the Internet after lunch today. The fellows in Zhoukou should call home to ask for safety (you have to call on mobile phone, because the power has been outage since yesterday). I am from Huaiyang County, and all the trees in my house were blown down by the wind and hit the house. Some children were hit on the head while playing outside. ​

⑶、How about Zhoukou Huashi Advertising Co., Ltd.?

Zhoukou Huashi Advertising Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (natural person investment or holding) registered in Zhoukou City, Henan Province on March 26, 2014. Its registered address is located in Bayi, Chuanhui District, Zhoukou City Opposite a peak in the southern section of the road.

The unified social credit code/registration number of Zhoukou Huashi Advertising Co., Ltd. is 91411602095688003W. The corporate legal person is Zhu Yatao. The company is currently in business.

The business scope of Zhoukou Huashi Advertising Co., Ltd. is: advertising planning, design, production, publishing, and agency for various media advertising, and sales of inkjet printing, color pages, and logo signs. Within this province, the current registered capital of enterprises is average.

View more information and information about Zhoukou Huashi Advertising Co., Ltd. through Baidu Enterprise Credit.
