No parking in car wash area sign

2024-09-23 22:35:18
I、What should you pay attention to when choosing a location for a car wash shop?

1. Traffic flow nearby

For a car wash shop, the larger traffic flow is cash flow. Can you make money by opening a car wash shop? Traffic flow can often play a decisive role.

2. The environment around the store

The commercial atmosphere and living environment around the car wash will directly determine the number of private cars within the coverage of the car wash and the consumption of car peripherals. If there are many good cars and a strong business atmosphere, the unit price of car wash customers will be high.

3. Convenience

Convenience is also very important for car washes. Car washes cannot be too far away from residential areas and vehicles can enter and exit at the same time. It should also be convenient, and there should be no curb stones, flower beds or other things that hinder the entry and exit of customers' vehicles.

4. Sewage treatment

The whole society is advocating environmental protection, which requires both gold and silver and green water and green mountains. Therefore, the pre sence and quality of the sewage treatment system of a car wash shop will directly affect whether the car wash shop can pass the review of the environmental protection department. Otherwise, whether the car wash shop can continue to operate is a problem.

5. The size of the parking lot

There should be as large a space as possible around the car wash shop or in the courtyard for parking and washing cars, otherwise a lot of money will be lost during peak periods. Customers will become less and less in the long run, so the car wash shop should get as large a space as possible for free or as little cost as possible.