Billboard on island map

I、Peace Elite: How to enter the hidden room in the desert map? Why can't I get in and get out?

Hello everyone, I am Shuai Bang Tan Auto and I am very happy to answer this question here today.

This article will introduce to you the three secret rooms in the desert map How to enter? When the special operations mode of the island map was updated before, some people said that a mysterious secret room appeared in the air raid shelter. This news can be said to be very interesting. Now Desert 2.0 has also been officially updated. Many friends are curious whether it will be in the desert map. Is there such a secret room in China? The editor recently explored the desert for a long time. Although he did not find any similar secret rooms, he accidentally discovered three relatively secret secret rooms. In this article, I will share these places with you. First of all, the first one is a warehouse building with stairs outside, and the window in front of us can only be seen from the outside. If you come inside the warehouse, you will find that it is actually closed by a wall. We can't get in, so we only need to first go along the stairs outside the warehouse to the roof, then move slowly against the eaves, and jump when it falls, we can successfully hang on the wall, and then we can enter In this confined space, most people would not think that you could hide here. The safety index is three stars.

The next second secret room is a high-rise building with a billboard on the top floor of San Martin. At the corner of the second floor, you will find a house that is blocked by a pile of wooden boxes. In fact, this place can also be entered. As long as you keep jumping against the wooden boxes on the right, the climbing action will be triggered all at once. After entering, you will find that the space inside is relatively large. It is also difficult to be discovered inside. You can even get stuck on the stairs. The tightness of this secret room is obviously higher than the pre vious one, because once you enter, Now, it’s not that easy to get out. No matter how hard you try, you can’t leave. You have to ask your teammates to drive their motorcycles to this location to pick you up. The safety index is 4 stars.

The last secret room is even more powerful. It is our common warehouse. Behind this door nailed by wooden boards, there is actually an unknown secret space hidden. Once you enter, you will reach the state of invincibility. The method of entering is also more technical. We need to go behind the door first, and then fill it up. For a level run, just ask another teammate to lie down the moment the door opens. It is not very difficult to get in. It can usually be done in two or three times. The safety index of this secret room is definitely as high as 5 stars. When you enter, the people outside It is impossible to find you at all. Whether it is bullets, grenades or Molotov cocktails, they have lost their effect here. The only bad thing is that it is too sealed. I haven't thought of any way out yet. So if you encounter any troublesome teammate, you can take him to visit!

I am very happy to answer your questions on Baidu today. I hope my answers can help everyone, and everyone is welcome. Join me in the discussion here!
