Rendering of two outdoor facade billboards on the first floor

Does a shop in Qingdao need approval to open a storefront?
According to regulations, the following materials need to be submitted for approval of billboards on the door of self-employed stores:
1. 2 copies of the store business license or approved industrial and commercial name;
2. Copy of the lease contract 2 copies;
3. 2 copies of the renderings of outdoor billboards (the renderings must be in color, and you should take pictures of about 80cm above and below the door);
4. Application report (including the installation location, Release time, content, form, specifications, quantity; two copies);
5. 2 copies of property ownership certificate;
6. 1 copy of store location map;
Location: Go to the location District Urban Management Compre hensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, apply for store door approval procedures, and receive the approval form for outdoor advertising. After passing the review, fill out the approval form and go to the Municipal Compre hensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau for approval. The relevant business department will conduct approval within 5 working days, and a facade room decoration approval certificate will be issued after approval.

Will billboards printed with UV printers fade?

The billboards printed by the uv printer will fade, mainly in the following two situations:
1. If it is indoors, it will basically not fade, but will fade after 20 years or more;
/>2. If used outdoors, the color will fade after more than 8 years. If the environment is harsh, extremely cold or hot, the color will fade faster;

The surface of the billboard can be covered with film or spray varnish. This way, it plays the role of protection and isolation. The following is a rendering of the printed billboard:
