How to install billboards in stores

本文目录一览⑴How to fix large billboard inkjet printing
The method is as follows:
1. Installation of inkjet cloth, about 100 square meters, the normal picture is double folding and buckling, the distance between buckles is 30CM , tie with cable ties or wire or rope.
2. Iron wire (commonly known as tie wire) is commonly used. Use two ties together. Because it is cheap and very strong. If possible, tie the front of the picture with a rope to make it stronger. ‍

⑵Should store decoration billboards be hung first or last?
Before opening the store, decoration and billboards can be carried out at the same time.
In the decoration design stage, the store sign must be well designed. Decoration is carried out first, and advertisements saying "Preparations for opening and decoration are in progress, please stay tuned" are hung. When the decoration is almost completed, store signs are installed, trial operation is carried out, and an auspicious day is chosen for opening.
The time from hanging the sign to opening is about two months. If it is too early, customers will turn from expectation to fatigue.
Relevant knowledge:
There are many things to consider in the facade decoration design. The design of the passage must be reasonable, and it cannot be designed to be too narrow in order to place more goods. Design the facade decoration drawing first and modify it according to the actual situation during on-site construction. This can also achieve the final goal. The following editor will introduce to you the facade decoration design requirements and the sequence of facade decoration.
The relationship between wall division and the volume, proportion and facade scale of the building is more appropriate; the combination of various form factors of facade decoration should be focused on the key points, and the master and slave should be clear. The contrast changes are full of rhythm and rhythm.

⑶、Does the installation of billboards require urban management approval?

Legal analysis: Yes, billboards must be approved by the urban management department before they can be produced. Outdoor advertising requires urban management approval and a certain fee, which is determined by the location and size of the advertisement and local administrative regulations.

When installing billboards, you should go to the urban construction and city appearance department to go through the formalities. Otherwise, it is an illegal act, and the urban management department can impose administrative penalties on the urban construction department.

Materials required for approval of store billboards

According to regulations, the following materials are required for approval of self-employed store front billboards:

2 copies of the store business license or industrial and commercial name approval;

Copy of the lease contract 2 copies;

2 copies of outdoor billboard renderings (the renderings must be in color, and the situation about 80cm above and below the door should be photographed when shooting);

Application report (including setting location, release time, content, Form, specification, quantity; two copies);

2 copies of the property ownership certificate;

1 copy of the store location map.

Legal basis: "Regulations on the Management of Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation"

Article 1 is to strengthen the management of urban city appearance and environmental sanitation, create a clean and beautiful urban working and living environment, and promote urban socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization. Construction and enactment of these regulations.

Article 10 All units and individuals shall keep buildings clean and beautiful. Objects that may hinder the appearance of the city may not be piled or hung on the balconies and windows of buildings facing the streets on streets specified by the city people's government. Building or closing balconies must comply with the relevant regulations of the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government.

Article 11 When outdoor advertisements, placards, galleries, showcases, etc. are set up in the city, they must be healthy in content and beautiful in appearance, and must be regularly maintained, decorated or dismantled.

The installation of large-scale outdoor advertisements must obtain the consent of the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government, and go through the approval procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 12 Municipal public facilities in cities should be coordinated with the surrounding environment, and the facilities should be maintained and kept in good condition and clean.

⑷Does the content I play on the LED display screen installed above the storefront need to be approved?

The installation of the LED display screen needs to be approved by the local government.

Usually through the following departments: industry and commerce, law enforcement, urban management, and urban planning. The standards in each region are slightly different, but they are similar. These four departments are not allowed to issue certificates. Strictly speaking, the local public security bureaus also need to report.

Approval process for outdoor full-color LED display:

First go to the Planning Bureau to apply for installation. That is: whether the setting plan of the LED screen meets the relevant requirements, and whether you agree with the setting plan of the electronic display screen. Information required: rental agreement for the location where the advertisement will be installed, location map of the advertisement location, safety certificate, and electricity usage certificate, structural drawings, photos before installation and renderings after installation.

After successful application, go to the urban management department of the "Construction Bureau" to apply again. That is: will the installation of LED screens have any impact on the city and other related damages? If the LED screen installation area is relatively large, it must be approved by the Transportation Bureau before it can be installed.

After successfully applying for both of the above, go to the "Law Enforcement Bureau" for processing. Information to be provided: The four-position plan of the location where the electronic screen is to be installed, the relevant floor plan, and other relevant certificates and information.

Finally, go to the "Industrial and Commercial Bureau" to apply for "outdoor billboard" materials: business license; ID card of the person in charge; copy of the billboard pattern; copy of the license of the advertising unit with the right to operate advertising; Planning Bureau, Law Enforcement Bureau, Construction Bureau, Transportation Bureau, approved application certificates.

What the above reflects is that if an individual wants to invest in an outdoor advertising screen, which departments need to be approved, and which aspects of the project are mainly approved by each relevant department. We personally want to invest in a screen and target the relevant approval departments. , what specific written materials need to be reported for the other party to refer to, review, and approve.

Extended information:

To apply for approval of advertising display screen, the following supporting documents must be submitted for verification:

1. Copy of business license (issued by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau);

2. Copy of the advertising business license; (issued by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau);

3. Feasibility study report, mainly for installing this screen It can brighten local cities and improve local commercial value. It is easier to manage by administrative units than traditional outdoor billboards and is environmentally friendly. The country has introduced laws to strongly support the replacement of traditional outdoor billboards with electronic screens. Analytical reports on aspects of the project were drafted in aspects that were beneficial to the local city, and were reviewed and approved on the one hand.

4. Approval documents from superior authorities; (i.e., review documents from the above planning bureau, public security bureau, etc.);

5. Original copy of the agreement for the use of the advertising venue; for example: For vertical block screens on the exterior walls of shopping malls, you need to sign a site rental agreement with the other party. For traditional outdoor billboards to be erected on the roof of a building or on the wall of the building, you must sign a site rental agreement (by years) with the other party. , and then go through relevant procedures based on the agreement.

6. If the establishment location needs to be approved by the relevant government departments according to laws and regulations, the approval documents from the relevant departments must be submitted.

Reference material: Baidu Encyclopedia-Advertising Display Management Measures
