Complete renderings of outdoor advertising billboards

壹、What are the types of outdoor billboards

Types of outdoor billboards

1. Street signs and billboards

Explanation: Street sign billboards are one of the most common forms of outdoor advertising, usually installed on both sides of the road or at traffic nodes. It is characterized by its large size, eye-catching appearance, and ability to quickly attract people's attention. This kind of billboard can use various forms of advertising display such as photos, spray paintings or three-dimensional images.

2. Building wall billboards

Explanation: Building wall billboards are a way of advertising using the exterior walls of buildings. This kind of billboard can be designed according to the characteristics of the building and the surrounding environment. It can be in various forms, either static or dynamic, and can effectively cover a larger group of people.

3. LED electronic screen billboard

Explanation: LED electronic screen billboard is a modern form of outdoor advertising, played through LED display screens Multimedia content such as videos, animations or pictures. It is highly dynamic, colorful and visually impactful, able to attract people's attention and convey more diverse information.

4. Outdoor banner billboards

Explanation: Outdoor banner billboards are a relatively simple form of outdoor advertising, usually hung above the street or Store entrance. It attracts people's attention with eye-catching colors and text and is used to promote promotions or commercial activities.

5. Bridge billboards

Explanation: Bridge billboards are a form of advertising that uses bridges as a carrier. This kind of billboard usually has a unique structure and design, which can attract the attention of passers-by and increase brand awareness.

The above are the main types of outdoor billboards. Each type of billboard has its own unique features and advantages, and the appropriate form of outdoor advertising can be selected based on the advertiser's needs and budget.

贰、What are outdoor advertisements?

Outdoor advertisements mainly have the following forms:

1. Street sign advertising

Street sign advertising is a kind of Outdoor public places, such as billboards set up on both sides of roads, commercial blocks, etc. This form of advertising is favored for its conspicuousness, ease of identification, and speed in delivering information. They are usually larger in size and can display brand logos, product information or promotions, etc.

2. Large-scale outdoor billboards

Large-scale outdoor billboards are a common form of outdoor advertising and are often installed in bustling business districts, highway entrances and exits, and other places. These billboards are usually tall, large and eye-catching, which can quickly attract people's attention and are suitable for brand image promotion and product promotion.

3. Building exterior wall advertising

Building exterior wall advertising refers to the method of using the exterior wall of a building for advertising. This form of advertising can be customized and designed according to the characteristics of the building and the surrounding environment, and the forms can be diversified, such as light box advertising, projection advertising, graffiti, etc.

4. Public transportation advertising

Public transportation advertising refers to advertisements posted on public transportation, such as bus bodies, subway stations and other places. This form of advertising has wide coverage and can reach a wide range of audiences, making it an effective means of brand promotion and marketing.

Outdoor advertising comes in various forms, and the above are just some of them. With the development of cities and the changing needs of people, the forms and pre sentation methods of outdoor advertising will continue to be innovated and enriched.
