Office building elevator advertising costs

本文目录一览壹、What is the general price of elevator advertising in Changsha?

The price of Changsha elevator advertising is about 768 yuan per page per week.

Advantages of elevator advertising:

1. Zero-distance contact, high arrival rate

Elevators have become a necessary place for people to pass by in their daily lives. It’s time to have close contact with consumers. Moreover, in a closed elevator environment, in order to reduce the awkward confrontation with others, people will unconsciously shift their gaze, and the attention of elevator advertisements will also increase accordingly.

2. Compulsive reading, high contact frequency

It is very likely that people will go to and from the elevator many times, so elevator advertisements can appear many times in closed spaces that people must pass through. The impact is strong and compulsive, and people receive information more frequently. If there is a need for placement, please contact me.

3. Strong targeting and pre cise reach

Elevator advertisements are generally placed in mid- to high-end residential areas, office buildings and other venues, covering mainstream consumer groups. In a fragmented media environment, social media can help advertisers achieve refined point selection, targeted communication, and pre cise reach.

4. Low degree of interference and affinity

For other types of advertisements, the audience's visual distraction is very strong and the authenticity of memory is very low. Elevator advertising media has limited space and is relatively closed. It is less disturbed by the outside world and has greater visual impact and memory exclusivity. At the same time, it is closely integrated with the audience's life circle, has a higher affinity, and is easily accepted by the audience. .

5. The investment cost is relatively low and cost-effective

Compared with other outdoor media and Internet advertising, the cost of elevator advertising is lower, and its accurate crowd and good advertising reach rate , making elevator advertising more effective in spre ading brands and products, and more cost-effective.

Extended information:

Elevator advertising skills:

1. Design the advertising content well

With the rapid development of elevators in modern society, With the popularity of elevators, people come into contact with elevators more and more often. Whether they are commuting to get off work or going home, they can see various elevator advertisements.

The environment inside the elevator is very closed. Generally, people will take the initiative to receive the content of elevator advertisements in this short period of time. Therefore, in order to attract their attention, the advertising content must be designed Note that not only the picture must be beautiful, but also a good advertising creativity must be used. Only such advertising will not disgust and reject the audience, and only in this way can the audience truly accept your advertising psychologically.

2. Interact with the audience

Each of your target customers may have different views on advertising. If you can get feedback from customers, listen to their suggestions appropriately. , make the advertisement more attractive, then most customers will be more receptive to your advertisement, and better improve the effect of advertising promotion and conversion.

3. Providing appropriate rebate rewards

Today’s advertising forms are no longer limited to a single static model, and pay more attention to interaction with users and mobilizing their enthusiasm.

Nowadays, many businesses are paying more and more attention to this, so you can often see the emergence of many rebate activities for users. Proper rebates are given to those who lead the money, which can greatly increase people's enthusiasm for publicity. , let them help pay attention to corresponding product sales opportunities in daily life, and bring you more orders.

贰、How much does elevator advertising generally cost?
As of November 2020, elevator advertising will be based on each screen, with a 7-day week. The price of flat posters is roughly 200 yuan/block/week; LCD TV is 250 yuan/block/week. Generally speaking, there are no specific standards for elevator advertising charges. They are charged on a weekly/block basis, that is, one block of elevator advertisements is published for one week. There is no distinction between the nature of the building and the real estate area. One price per city. Compared with other outdoor media such as bus shelters and pillars, which often cost hundreds of thousands or millions, elevator advertising is considered a very cost-effective media. The standard price for elevator advertising will be adjusted every year. For specific prices, you can negotiate with the elevator rights holder and advertising manufacturer.
Related introduction to elevator advertising: Elevator advertising is a unique and effective high-quality new media. It refers to the special plexiglass printed inlaid advertising carriers (flat posters, light films) hung on the walls of elevator boxes and elevator doors in high-rise buildings in cities. , LED or LCD display, etc.). It makes good use of people's blank psychology while waiting for the elevator and in the elevator. The advertising audience is less resistant to advertising information. The audience cannot completely avoid and refuse to pay attention to the elevator. With the increase of TV channels, fierce competition in newspapers, and the rise of the international Internet, In the case of audience diversion (or loss), this non-selectivity or compulsion makes elevator advertising have functions and values ​​that cannot be replaced by other media advertising. We see that in the development trend of the entire advertising media, this type of strong media facing direct consumers will play an increasingly important role. "Exchanging the maximum benefit at the minimum cost is the common marketing desire of all enterprises. Among them, "minimum cost" is a relative concept, because it depends on the company's own strength, the market conditions at the time and the real-time availability of various media carriers. Price and other related factors are therefore difficult to measure. In comparison, "maximum benefit" is an absolute concept, because it can be directly reflected from the real data of sales performance or monitoring surveys.
For customers. In summary, this project has the following eight unique advantages: Monopoly: The resources are first developed, independently operated and managed by Yijiajingshi. So far, it is absolutely strong in the market, so the media has a clear monopoly. Targetedness: This project. The media is located at the elevator entrances of most mid- to high-end office buildings and commercial and residential apartments in 33 mainstream cities across the country. Therefore, the media covers all high-income urban groups such as senior white-collar workers and successful people, and their potential consumption power is strong. There is no doubt about the high level of culture and education and the great social influence. For companies, the effectiveness of product promotion and brand promotion for this group of people is self-evident. In addition, other forms of media must be used. It is quite difficult to reach this group of consumers in such a concentrated manner. Compulsiveness: Usually when people are waiting for the elevator, it is the most boring and embarrassing moment, and they have strong and subconscious visual needs. Because the land is expensive and most of them are high-rise, it takes a long time for the elevator to go up and down, which increases the waiting time. On the other hand, the "elevator advertising" media is the only way for all elevator users to enter and exit the above-mentioned places. There are few materials that divert visual attention. Therefore, once a media with novel design, bright colors, and attractive appearance appears, its visual impact and compulsive reading will undoubtedly be considerable. Repetitiveness: Due to the "elevator advertising" media. Elevator users must pass through it at least four times a day. Its media has a high level of repeated reading, which is difficult for other media to match. Uniqueness: outdoor media, such as media in subways, media or posters in hotels and stores. etc., usually in different forms, specifications, and contents. Therefore, the audience's visual dispersion is very strong, and the authenticity of the memory is very low. On the contrary, the "elevator advertising" media has limited space. The number of media in the elevator is sparse, and the specifications, design, and appearance are uniform. The content of the media released in an elevator is mostly the same. Therefore, the uniqueness of vision and the exclusivity of memory are greatly increased. Affinity: The hanging position of the media is low. It is also limited by the space of the elevator aisle, so it is very close to the audience and is easy to read carefully. Flexibility: The media is easy to upload, drop and change. Public welfare: The company can be used before the release of commercial advertisements or during the interval between advertisements. It will produce and publish social public service advertisements by itself.
Therefore, as an advertising carrier, the media itself has a strong public welfare nature, and it naturally plays a joint role in the public welfare image of commercial advertising advertisers. They all vary, so the price depends on your needs. "

叁、How much does advertising in an elevator cost per month?

When most elevator advertising companies face this problem, they have to consider the location and time (normal/activity period).

The same is generally true for our elevator advertising at Ant Communication, but the difference is that you can see the prices of all advertising spaces in all our cities on our WeChat public account Ant Communication. The platform prices are transparent and clear at a glance.

After the current price adjustment, in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Dongguan, the advertising space in the elevator is 198 yuan/week and the lobby is 148 yuan/week. . During the event period, there will be huge profit discounts, and the price-performance ratio is horribly high hahahaha.

This depends on the city and location, as well as the type of advertisement and the length of time it will be placed.
How to charge for elevator advertising
There is no specific standard for elevator advertising charges. The fees charged in different cities will be different, and they will be based on the advertising content and location where you place it. To decide, the general cost of elevator advertising in first-tier cities ranges from 200 yuan to 800 yuan/week, which is equivalent to several thousand a month. However, compared with outdoor media, pillars and other advertising, the cost of elevator advertising is much higher. Moreover, the cost of elevator advertising will be adjusted every year, and specific negotiations must be carried out with the advertising company.
Characteristics of elevator advertising
1. High coverage, low defects
The number of people in elevator advertising information is relatively stable and will not be affected by weather and environment. Impact, it can combine dynamic and static advertising content, make up for the shortcomings and shortcomings of existing mainstream advertising media forms, and exert the information dissemination effect of advertising in terms of points, surfaces, graphics, and text.
2. High arrival rate and low interference
Each owner of a high-rise residence takes the elevator up and down the stairs at least four times, so the image of the elevator advertisement cannot be used. Avoid breaking into their sight at least four times. Therefore, each elevator advertisement has the compulsory reading of advertisements that other media cannot have. Moreover, the environment in the elevator is relatively single. There can only be three brands at most in the advertisement, which interferes with each other. It is small and can directly penetrate into people's home lives, making it more targeted than traditional media.
3. High quality, low cost
The cost of one day of genuine advertising on TV stations and newspapers can be used in elevator advertisements for a month. If you have every elevator in each issue, Calculated based on a quote of 400 yuan, each household will spend an average of 7.5 yuan to keep its owners exposed to your products and allow them to do so.
