Billboard effect with light box

I、What are the advantages of outdoor LED light box advertising
1. Popular target audience, wide coverage:
As long as the location is chosen correctly, the effect of light box advertising will be effective all the time, during the day The beautiful light boxes and dazzling lighting effects at night impre ss the people passing by and even stop to admire it.
2. The role of the media is enhanced and the communication content is more credible:
In the 21st century, TV, cable communication, magazines, newspapers, books, the Internet, and even advertising leaflets, advertising is now everywhere and the content of advertising is diverse. All kinds. There are many *liars* too. But I have never heard of *scammers* doing light box advertisements (I dare not rule it out, but I have never seen it personally). The credibility of lightbox advertising in the media is undoubtedly the most credible.
3. Various forms and unlimited creativity:
Nowadays, there are more and more materials and techniques for making light boxes, and the effects are becoming more and more shocking. You can't think of it. But more and more lightbox advertising ideas are irresistible and appear in front of you.
4. Lightbox advertising is one of the lowest-cost advertisements:
Outdoor media may be the most value-for-money mass media. Although its prices vary, its cost per thousand people is the most cost-effective compared with other media. You can go to Baidu to promote, you can buy TV advertising time slots, and the simplest way is to send out flyers. Although the cost of light box advertising during the construction period is slightly higher, after the time period is divided equally, anyone can calculate this number.
5. The size, location and impact of light box advertising can stand the test of time.
Once a giant billboard in a prime location is erected, it can produce a sign effect equivalent to that of a city. Its directness and simplicity are enough to fascinate big advertisers around the world. It can become an "old place" for lovers to meet, and he can become a "directional sign" for guidance. It even becomes a "landmark point" to light up your navigation light when you get lost.
6. The city’s landscape, color and light illuminate the living space.
