Chongqing target elevator advertising charging standards

一、What is outdoor advertising
There is no doubt that standardization can promote the healthy and sustainable development of the industry. At the same time, under stricter supervision, it will also greatly affect the outdoor advertising market model - on the one hand, it will cause a large number of small advertising spaces to disappear, large billboard resources will be scarce, and prices will soar; on the other hand, it will also change the traditional second- and third-tier outdoor markets. situation, promoting the digital transformation of the second- and third-tier outdoor advertising markets.
1. Accelerate sinking and optimization.
MediaEasy believes that while Internet companies are working hard to sink the market, third- and fourth-tier cities have also become important battlefields for outdoor media competition. In 2021, we will increase the coverage and concentration of lower-tier markets and increase investment in third- and fourth-tier cities. In the future, outdoor media resources in third- and fourth-tier cities will gradually become valuable resources, and the company's media platform attributes will be further strengthened. Instructor Peng Xiaodong will start from first-tier cities in China and then integrate resources from lower-tier markets.
2. Online and offline integration.
In recent years, outdoor advertising and online advertising have become more and more closely integrated, and online and offline linkage has become the main direction of marketing exploration. Currently, as network traffic increases, more and more brands are beginning to take advantage of the high-quality media resources and personalized delivery strategies of outdoor advertising to help convert online traffic and create higher conversion effects through cross-screen collection of big data.
3. Outdoor programming.
The continuous advancement of digitalization of outdoor advertising has laid the foundation for programmatic implementation. Programmatic not only makes outdoor advertising more convenient, time-saving, and effort-saving, but more importantly, the addition of programmatic buying enables outdoor advertising to provide personalized push based on the user's location and travel data, making it more accurate and optimized than before. , measurable, making advertising effects more clearly visible. Programming can not only effectively help upstream and downstream users reduce costs and achieve accurate contact with target groups, but can also measure the effectiveness of advertising, further increasing advertisers' enthusiasm for advertising, and forming a virtuous cycle.
4. Competition in outdoor advertising may escalate again, accelerating industry reshuffle.
With the effective control of the epidemic and the increase in advertisers’ demand for outdoor advertising, companies will once again accelerate the pace of expansion. In May of this year, Tiying Media once again completed a B3 round of financing worth hundreds of millions of yuan. Tiying Media stated that it will further sprint to 100 cities and iterate on software and hardware digital technologies. This is also regarded as the clarion call to start competition in the outdoor advertising industry and will accelerate the restructuring of the industry.
5. The content is emotional.
Brainwashing. Repeated content is currently the main form of outdoor advertising. It is undeniable that this form can enhance people's awareness of the brand in the short term, but this boring form is obviously not the future of outdoor advertising. For brands, in order to truly touch the hearts of users, we must also write articles creatively, while bringing beauty to consumers and touching hearts, so that the brand can truly penetrate into the heart. In fact, many advertisements have begun to build emotional connections with consumers through high-quality content. For example, on the 11th of last year, Chengdu Taikoo Li used a naked-eye 3D screen, which brought a visual feast to consumers and won widespre ad publicity.
6. Outdoor advertising is placed across screens.
With the addition of digital technology, outdoor media is more accurate and visible, and media expre ssion forms are becoming more and more diverse. In addition to elevators, televisions, cinema videos, access control, expre ss cabinets, mirror media and other new outdoor media forms, many of them have received financing and have reached a certain scale. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and 5g have injected new vitality into the industry; the arrival of the 5g era will bring unpre cedented development opportunities to the marketing industry. 5G’s ultra-high transmission rate, larger capacity and shorter latency provide the possibility for the Internet of Everything. In outdoor advertising, it means that the arrival of digital outdoor programmatic advertising will be accelerated.
In addition, the combination of AR, VR and other technologies with outdoor advertising will bring new ideas to marketing. Among them, the application of naked-eye 3D is eye-catching. For example, the 3788㎡Light of Asia in Guanyinqiao, Chongqing attracted many people to watch and check in, and its spre ad online exceeded 10 million. The application of various new technologies allows outdoor advertising to truly connect with people in the scene, helping advertisers quickly attract the audience's attention, thereby expanding the influence of the brand.
