How to fix billboards on cars

本文目录一览I、Who was responsible for the billboards installed falling during strong winds?

Because it was the car that was damaged by the billboard, not the wind, so it cannot be considered a natural disaster because of the strong winds Not directly related to cars.

Because when I installed the billboard, I did not install the billboard in place. If you install the billboard yourself and perform reinforcement tests, then the billboard will not fall when encountering such strong winds.

Therefore, I made certain mistakes during installation. At the same time, I did not consider that in extreme cases, the billboards would not be securely installed, which would have a potential impact on pedestrians and vehicles. So when this happens, you must be the first person responsible.

Main advantages:

Secondly, the installation of billboards takes a long time. In this case, it is necessary to inspect and install firmly every year. Because over time, billboards will also be severely affected by corrosion. Therefore, the firmness may be somewhat reduced, and frequent inspections must be carried out. Only in this way can problems be nipped in the bud and accidents avoided.

II、Is it illegal to place billboards on the roof of private car sheds in 2020?
In 2020, car owners often pay attention to whether it is illegal to place billboards on the roof of private car sheds. According to current regulations, installing billboards on private cars is considered a car modification, and changes must be registered at the vehicle management office to ensure compliance.
The view of the industrial and commercial administration department is that advertisements on the body of private cars are regarded as a type of outdoor advertising. Any such operation must be approved by the industrial and commercial department through an advertising company with the authority to publish advertisements, and can only be implemented after obtaining approval. If the advertisement contains a trademark pattern, the car owner must also provide proof of the registered trademark of the product to pre vent the risk of false advertising.
The traffic police department also has regulations for this situation: advertisements posted on the body of private cars must not affect the driver's line of sight, otherwise they may constitute a driving safety hazard. Therefore, if the appearance of the car body changes significantly due to advertising, the car owner must promptly go to the local vehicle management office to go through the change procedures to avoid penalties or unnecessary legal problems while driving.
In summary, the legality of placing advertisements on the roof of a private carport depends on specific conditions. Any modifications need to comply with the regulations of the vehicle management office. At the same time, car owners also need to follow the regulations of the industrial and commercial and traffic police departments, ensure that the advertising design does not block the line of sight, and ensuring driving safety is the first priority.

III、Place advertisements on the roofs of private cars that are not on the road! Excuse me, if you want to place a billboard on the roof of a private car parked in a roadside parking space without driving on the road

It belongs to outdoor advertising and mobile advertising, both of which require local approval. Approval from the industrial and commercial administration authorities at or above the county level. Penalties for setting up outdoor advertisements in violation of regulations vary from place to place. Generally, they are ordered to dismantle them and fined from RMB 2,000 to RMB 10,000.
