How to remove the glue on car billboards

⑴The 502 glue on the billboard is too tight, how can I wash it off
There are many ways to remove 502 glue, you can choose the most suitable one. 1. Heating. Instant glue can generally withstand a temperature of 80 degrees. If the temperature is too high, the glue will melt. Such as hair dryer heating. Second, soak in water. Cyanoacrylate is not water-resistant and will fall off if soaked for a long time. 3. Chemical solvents, use acetone, alcohol, etc. to scrub, or cyanoacrylate degumming agent.

⑵How to remove billboards stuck with glass glue
1. When the glass glue has not solidified, whether it is stuck on the human body, utensils or clothing, it can be easily removed by washing with water.
2. The cured glass glue is extremely difficult to remove. If the cured glass body is attached to glass, ceramics, metal, etc., you can consider scrubbing it with solvents such as xylene and acetone. , if there is less cured glue attached to items such as glass, you can also use a scraper to hang it up. If it is attached to clothes, you can use a brush to remove it. If not, use banana water to remove it.
3. If the glass glue sticks to your hands and solidifies, because the glass glue cannot stick to your hands after solidification, just rub it with your hands a few times.
