How much does it cost to install a billboard manually?
2024-09-22 08:46:31
一、Making billboards?

There are two types of techniques for making billboards: traditional techniques and modern techniques.

1. Traditional techniques generally refer to engraving and inkjet printing. Nowadays, techniques generally include blister light box production, LED billboard production, etc. Globally, acrylic advertising signs are the most widely used.

2. For example, Telly House, McDonald's fast food restaurant, etc., it is not only beautiful and elegant, but also has good night vision effect, and the price is relatively low. There are many types of advertising sign production.

3. There are roughly acrylic characters, copper characters, titanium characters, stainless steel characters and other metal characters, resin characters, blister characters and other luminous characters, blister light boxes, LED light boxes, LED displays, inkjet printing , stainless steel light boxes, guide signs, etc.

4. Billboards generally refer to all outdoor media that deliver advertising information. Media size depends on actual environment. The picture of the advertising sign can be drawn by hand, made by computer or printed on paper.

The functions of billboards:

1. To convey information and communicate production and demand. Through advertising, it can help consumers know and understand the trademarks, performance, uses, usage and maintenance methods, purchase locations and methods, prices, etc. of various commodities, thereby transmitting information and communicating production and sales.

2. Stimulate demand and increase sales. A good advertisement can induce consumers' interest and emotions, arouse consumers' desire to purchase the product, and even promote consumers' purchasing actions.

3. Introduce knowledge and guide consumption. There are many categories of modern production, new products are emerging one after another, and monthly sales are scattered, making it difficult for people to buy what they need in time. Advertising can play a role in guiding consumption through the introduction of product knowledge.

二、How much does it cost to make a similar door sign?
Looking at the material, it seems to be made of aluminum-plastic panels. Now that the market is full, aluminum-plastic panels usually cost more than 80 yuan. See this The door head, according to visual inspection, requires about 8 aluminum-plastic panels, which is 640 yuan. It costs about 40 yuan per square meter manually, which is 920 yuan. Including the keel, it will cost about 3 frames, 120 yuan. It may cost more if you add the advertising art words. It's a few hundred dollars, so you'll probably need to spend anywhere from 2,000 to 2,500. (It may fluctuate by several hundred yuan depending on the material)
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