Billboard signage processing factory

壹、What are the common signs?
Identification signs play an important role in our daily lives, such as billboards, parking signs, restroom signs, road signs, and hotel lobby signs, etc. . These signs can be divided into various types according to their shape, production materials and application scenarios. Next, we’ll take a closer look at the types of signage and their uses.
1. Vertical signs
Vertical signs are characterized by their vertical length, and are usually used for advertising across the entire surface. This type of signage is very common in shopping malls and other places.
2. Horizontal signs
Horizontal signs are characterized by their horizontal width and are often used for advertising. They are usually attached to the walls of small shops or large buildings.
3. Protruding signs
Protruding signs protrude from the wall of the building, and the part except the back can be used as advertising. This kind of signage is quite common, such as on the front of a shop on the street.
4. Ground column signs
Ground column signs are set up on fixed structures on the ground. The forms include horizontal, vertical or three-dimensional signs. This type of signage is often found in parks and other places.
5. Rooftop signs
Rooftop signs are fixed structures placed on the roof of a building, on which plate or cubic signs are hung or pasted. This type of signage is not uncommon on the roofs of buildings.
Classification by production materials:
1. Wooden signs
Wooden signs are very popular in gardens, zoos, parks and other scenic spots. They offer a natural and traditional feel but are more expensive and susceptible to the elements.
2. Stone identification signs
Stone identification signs are resistant to erosion by natural conditions and have a long service life. Although they are heavy and difficult to work with, stone offers a unique texture and style that no other material can match.
3. Metal identification signs
Metal identification signs are made of aluminum alloy, stainless steel, cold plate, titanium plate, copper plate, etc., and are made by die-casting, etching, baking paint, electroplating and other processes. They are stylish in appearance and have a strong modern feel.
4. Synthetic signage
Synthetic signage includes acrylic panels, fiberglass reinforced plastics, aluminum-plastic panels, PVC panels, sunlight panels, Fron panels, etc. These signs are stylish, simple to construct, and affordable.
5. LED luminous signs
LED luminous signs are the product of scientific and technological progress and are often used in commercial areas. They work great day and night, but are more expensive to maintain.
Classification by application scenario:
1. Tourist attraction signage
2. Educational institution signage
3. Real estate developer signage
4. Public environment signage
br/>5. Commercial real estate signs
6. Hospital institution signs
7. Corporate factory signs
8. Residential area signs
9. Underground parking lot signs
In addition, identification signs can also be classified according to whether they are illuminated or not.
The uses of various types of signage include:
1. Image signage
2. Floor-standing diversion signage
3. Floor index sign
4. Department sign
br/>5. Functional signs
The above are the detailed classification and uses of identification signs. They play an indispensable role in modern society.
