Billboards in the cracks of the house

广告牌 · 2024-09-21 10:44:00
⓵We have installed a sign on the exterior wall of the house, and it is on the floor above the other person’s house. The other party has the right to ask you to remove it.
The other party has the right to ask you to remove it. Two points: First, the size of your billboard must meet your local requirements. Second, there are legal requirements for how far billboards should be from the exterior walls of other people's homes and how far from other people's windows. If it affects the ventilation and lighting of other people's homes, they have the right to ask you to remove it unconditionally. If you don't agree to the demolition, they can sue you directly in court. You still have to compensate others. The law protects property owners from ventilation and lighting. Even if the billboard you set up has received approval documents, it cannot affect the ventilation and lighting of other owners! This is a legal requirement.

⓶Is it illegal for the urban management to remove the billboards on the wall of the house?
The urban management enforces the city’s local regulations. Whether it is illegal depends on the specific regulations of the city where you are located. You can check the local city management measures







