How to hoist billboards to exterior walls

本文目录一览壹、Can foam billboards be adhered to exterior walls with glass glue?
Foam billboards can be glued with glass glue. Since foam is a dense plastic material and glass glue can stick, it is recommended to reinforce the expansion bolts to pre vent them from falling off and injuring people.
Billboard foam board is PVC foam board, also known as Chevron board. It uses PVC as the internal foam for foaming. It is also a PVC veneer. It has high density and is 3-4 times heavier than KT board. Of course, the price is 3-4 times higher and the hardness is higher. The board body is crisp, light, not easy to deteriorate, easy to process, and can be directly screen printed (screen printing board), painted, mounted with adhesive pictures and inkjet printing on the board. It is widely used in advertising display promotions, aircraft models, architectural decoration, culture Art and packaging, etc.

贰、Can billboards be installed on exterior walls?
1. Billboards usually cannot be installed on the exterior wall of the second floor.
2. According to the "Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Regulations", it is illegal to post promotional materials on city buildings without approval.
3. Posting promotional materials in violation of regulations may result in fines and other penalties.
4. Therefore, it is illegal to install billboards on the second-floor exterior walls of first-floor shops without approval from relevant departments.
5. However, it may be feasible if the billboard only occupies part of the second floor exterior wall and does not affect the building structure.
6. Building codes and safety standards must be followed when installing billboards to ensure quality and safety.

叁、Billboard installation steps wooden strips

1. You can first build the iron frame for advertising. Then weld and install iron frames on the wall according to the actual situation on site. It is more suitable for long-term advertising, and the inkjet advertising cloth can be replaced frequently. The cost of investment is small. It can be said that a one-time investment can obtain long-term benefits.

2. First use an electric hammer to drill holes and insert the wood, and then nail the wooden strips. Nail the surrounding wooden strips, that is, the four sides of the inkjet advertising cloth. Finally, nail the inkjet advertising cloth to the wood, starting from the upper edge.

The advantage of this method is that it is low cost, can be firm, and the printed advertising cloth can be smoothed; the disadvantage is that there are holes in the wall, so it is suitable for installation indoors. If installed outdoors, it generally does not exceed one year. The wood will rot.

Types of outdoor advertising

1. Neon billboards

By neon The rainbow tubes are bent into words or patterns, and are made of neon tubes of different colors, emitting colorful colors. It can also be combined with electronically controlled flashing patterns to increase the sense of movement, and the nighttime effect has a strong visual impact.

2. Single-column billboards

Billboards are placed on specially designed support columns, mostly column-type T-shaped or P-shaped. Advertising devices are set up on highways and major roads. Places such as traffic arteries are facing dense traffic and pedestrian flow. The commonly used size is 6 meters high by 18 meters wide, and mainly uses spotlights as lighting equipment.

3. Spotlight billboards

A billboard with spotlights or other lighting equipment around the billboard is called a spotlight billboard. It is characterized by beautiful appearance, excellent lighting effect at night, and advertising information can be clearly seen.

4. Large light boxes

Placed in advertising locations such as exterior walls, roofs or podiums of buildings, they serve as colorful billboards during the day and become "internal lighting" when lit at night. lightbox ads. Light box advertising lighting effects are better, but maintenance is more difficult than spotlight billboards, and the lamps used are more susceptible to wear and tear.
