How to obtain community elevator advertising fees

2024-09-20 20:44:26
本文目录一览1、Does the advertising fee for the elevator in the community belong to the property owner or the owner?
Does the advertising fee for the elevator in the community belong to the property owner or the owner?
The advertising fee for the elevator in the community belongs to all the owners, but the advertising fee is owned by The advertising fees collected by the property management company are mainly used to supplement special maintenance funds. The owner has the right to occupy and use the building, but the owner cannot damage the safety of the building or the interests of other owners when using it, and must strictly follow the property management requirements.
What aspects does property management include?
1. Daily maintenance
The property must do a good job in daily maintenance of power distribution facilities, such as: mechanical and electrical equipment, Water supply and power supply systems must be maintained regularly to keep mechanical and electrical equipment in normal condition and extend their service life.
2. Clean and greening
For the community, the greening environment of the community is very important. Cleaning and greening must be done well so that users can live comfortably and improve their quality of life. Quality of life.
3. Security
In addition to greening, residential areas also need to ensure the safety of residents. Therefore, when managing the property, safety work should be done in a timely manner to ensure that everyone Owners can live with peace of mind and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.
4. Fire-fighting work
During property management, we will attach great importance to fire-fighting work to ensure that fire-fighting equipment is in good condition. Once a fire is encountered, it can be dealt with in a timely manner to improve Fire pre vention and self-rescue awareness of owners.
5. Maintenance and management of common parts of the house
Houses will have various malfunctions over time, so the property management company must do a good job in the maintenance and management of the common parts of the house, and promptly Solve community faults and make it convenient for users to live.
6. Handle the interpersonal relationships within the property well
A residential area often houses many owners, and they have different professions and different personalities, so the property management company has the responsibility to carry out Social activities provide owners with opportunities to communicate, promote relationships and reduce disputes between neighbors.
Editor’s summary: The above is about whether the elevator advertising fees in the community belong to the property owner or the owner. I believe everyone understands it! Property management is very important to a community, so pay attention to property management when choosing a property.

2、Who owns the advertising fees for the elevator in the community?
The advertising fees for the elevator in the community belong to the owners.
Relevant regulations on advertising fees for elevators in the community are as follows:
1. Advertising fees for elevators in the community should belong to all owners. If only part of the elevators in the community are used to set up advertisements, the advertising fees will belong to the residents of the unit where the elevator is located; the advertising fees Reasonable costs need to be deducted before giving to residents, and the remaining part belongs to the owner;
2. According to relevant laws, the advertising fees for community elevators are jointly owned by the owners, and the property company only manages them on their behalf. The Civil Code strengthens the protection of the rights of building owners and clarifies the ownership of public benefits. The following benefits are jointly owned by all owners:
(1) Public area advertising benefits, such as elevator car advertising, outdoor Advertisement;
(2) Income from parking spaces in the community’s public areas;
(3) Income from rental stalls in the community’s public areas;
(4) Income from operating public facilities, event venues, clubs, and swimming pools;
(5) Partial communication operation and management fees;
(6) Compensation for damage to public facilities in the community;
(7) Self-made water vending machine operating expenses;
(8) Property management expenses house income.
The specific distribution of public benefits is as follows:
The income obtained from the shared part of the property (including income from the pre vious property management period) shall belong to the owners who jointly own the property.
1. Owned by all owners: parking fees for vehicles parked on public roads or venues in the community, use of public areas in the community to obtain advertising fees such as revenue generated from advertising bulletin boards, public buildings in the community such as management rooms shared by the owners if rented out according to regulations, The income generated by the mobile home belongs to all owners.
2. Owned by some owners: The income obtained from advertising fees, rental fees, residual values, etc. by using some shared properties and facilities shall belong to some owners. For example, when there are two or more houses in a community, the elevator advertising fees generated by a certain house belong to the owners of that house jointly.
To sum up, the public interests within the community are the benefits generated by using only the common parts. The common part can be the income generated by posting advertisements inside the elevator, which is enjoyed by all owners.
[Legal Basis]:
Article 282 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
Income generated by construction units, property service companies or other managers from the owners' jointly owned parts shall be deducted from After reasonable costs, it belongs to the owners.
Article 283
If there is an agreement on the cost sharing and income distribution of the building and its ancillary facilities, etc. , in accordance with the agreement; if there is no agreement or the agreement is unclear, it shall be determined according to the proportion of the area occupied by the owner's exclusive part.
3、Who should get the community elevator advertising fees?

The advertising fees for elevators in the community should be jointly owned by all the owners. According to the provisions of the "Civil Code" of our country, all the income generated within the community should be owned by all the owners. owned. In addition, if the stall income generated from the leasing of the public areas of the community is also shared.

1. Who should the community elevator advertising fees belong to?

The community elevator advertising fees should be jointly owned by all owners. The following income is jointly owned by all owners.

1. Revenue from advertising in public areas, such as elevator car advertising and outdoor advertising;

2. Revenue from parking spaces in public areas of the community;

3. Community Income from rental stalls in public areas;

4. Income from operating public facilities, activity venues, clubs, and swimming pools;

5. Partial communication operation and management fees;

< p>6. Compensation for damage to public facilities in the community;

7. Operating expenses of self-made water vending machines;

8. Income from property management houses.

2. What are the regulations on other property communities?

According to the "Property Management Regulations", the income from public areas can be used for special maintenance funds or to cover management fees. Deficiencies must be decided by a vote of all owners.

How to distribute public benefits and when to make them public should be agreed in advance in the community's "Owner's Covenant" and "Owner's Meeting Charter".

Before the establishment of the community owners' meeting and the owners' committee, according to the pre vious property service contract, the property service company entrusted to operate the shared parts, shared facilities and equipment can manage the public benefits of the community on its behalf; the owners After the general meeting and the owners' committee are established, the owners' meeting can decide on its own that the public income will be managed by the owners' committee itself, or it can be entrusted to the property service enterprise for management through the property service contract.

When a property service company manages public revenue, the proportion of the property service company's related maintenance fees and management fees in the public revenue should be clearly stated in the contract. Property service companies entrusted with the management of public revenue should open a special account in a bank for special storage of public revenue. The revenue and expenditure should be recorded separately and cannot be shared with other accounts of the company. Property service companies that manage multiple property communities should open separate accounts for the public income of each property community.

In real life, one of the more common ones in our community is the homeowners committee. The job that the homeowners committee is responsible for is to conduct reasonable management of the entire campus. If due to some public issues within the community, All the owners should be able to enjoy the benefits generated by the facilities.