Who is responsible for the Yunnan billboard falling incident?

广告牌 2024-09-22 04:50:12
I、The "Incredible" Niulankeng billboard
In the Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area, a stone-carved billboard named "Incredible" has attracted attention. What behind it repre sents not only the cliff, It is also the unique charm of Niulankeng. Wuyi Mountain's Danxia landform, high-quality water and soil, unique microclimate, and the famous Niulankeng cinnamon are all amazing and "incredible" factors.
In this Niulankeng Valley, which is only 900 meters long, there are more than 70 tea garden logos and billboards, as if to show the identity of the owner to every tea plantation and tourist who comes. The density of these billboards is surprising, raising concerns about whether the "Yunnan Ancient Tea Tree Base" incident will happen again.
What is the current situation of the Niulankeng Tea Garden billboards? Niulankeng, as one of the top producing areas of Wuyi rock tea, its pre cious soil and sunshine conditions make every company with tea gardens eager to highlight its existence. It is said that Chen Xiaowen, the youngest inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, owns the largest number of tea gardens, and more than 30 families are called "trap owners". However, according to the records of Chayu.com, there were more than 70 billboards in 2017, and by 2018, this number seems to be increasing.
Why are companies so keen on competing for the logo of Niulankeng? On the one hand, the limited production has led to a surge in market demand for "beef" (Niulankeng cinnamon), and billboards have become a way to prove its authentic origin. However, following the lessons learned from the "Ancient Tea Tree Base" incident, it has become questionable whether the billboards in Niulankeng will face a similar fate in the future.
Certain conditions need to be met in order to place a billboard in a bullpen pit, although the official policy does not spell out the details. But what is certain is that this behavior is not arbitrary, but requires legal recognition. In fact, behind the appearance of more than 70 billboards may be tea companies and tea farmers who own, rent or purchase tea gardens, and some of them may be operating on the margins of the policy.
Despite the numerous billboards, not all real Niulankeng tea farmers and companies choose to highlight themselves. This sparked a discussion about the depth and diversity of the tea market. Behind each billboard repre sents a unique "beef" flavor, whether it is a large business, a master or a research institution, they are all seeking their own positioning under the top label of Niulan Pit.
Consumers have many choices in this complex and fascinating market. Some people firmly support their favorite beef, while others are willing to experiment with various flavors. Finally, as the rectification work of Niulankeng proceeds, in the spring tea season of 2018, Chayu.com will once again reveal the answer to this mystery.