How to write street stall socks billboard

I、There are many typos on the billboard, can you spot them?

There are a dazzling array of billboards on both sides of the street, but there are also typos in the advertising content on some billboards. Some are careless by the designers, and some are intentional. Our primary school students come and find them. Find it.

There are all kinds of typos on street advertisements, which often make big jokes.

Jackfruit and pineapple fans can’t tell the difference. We often encounter all kinds of strange typos at fruit stalls. Those who don’t know it think that there is a new variety of fruit. .

For example, when some netizens were parking their cars, they discovered that parking is prohibited. Oh no, parking is prohibited. They almost laughed out loud.

Many shops and restaurants will have "No Smoking" written on them, but the boss below wrote "Please smoke quickly". I understand, what the boss means is to let us smoke faster. !

Don’t make too many typos at the food stalls, otherwise the hearts of consumers will really not be able to withstand such an impact. Milk “grass poison” is clearly displayed in the most conspicuous position. Maybe the boss doesn’t think so. Do you know why strawberry sales are so low today?

I don’t know what the teacher will think after seeing these typos. Anyway, for this classmate who wrote socks as “girl”, your Chinese teacher is already on his way to beat you.


After seeing a lot of ridiculous typos, the Chinese teachers and Chinese class repre sentatives in front of the screen shook their heads and sighed, never expecting that their student days were over. After that, some people still stumbled over typos.

In fact, writing typos is really not a fun thing, and it is extremely easy to mislead others. Some people even think that writing typos is insulting and ridiculing people.

So from the time we are students, we must develop the habit of writing well and writing correct Chinese characters. When it comes to the most basic writing, we must not be careless.
