How much does it cost to make a billboard for a stall?

广告牌 2024-09-21 12:20:16
本文目录一览I、Is it really profitable to run a street stall?
You can earn a certain amount of income by setting up a street stall, but you need to fully understand the various risks and disadvantages, and make adequate pre parations and plans to achieve success. You can definitely make money by setting up a stall, as long as you do the following things well.
1. First, choose a business that you are good at or familiar with.
Roadside stalls make money, but they need to be able to operate and select products. Know what you want to do, and before deciding what to do, you must think about its market and profit margins. Just like when we make fried rice, first of all we all think that our fried rice is pre tty good. In addition, there is a market for fried rice. Many office workers have no food to eat after get off work and it is too expensive to go to restaurants. Fried rice can be diversified and the taste can be diversified. The key is that it is affordable.
Secondly, choose a good location.
No matter what you do, the location of your business is very important. Roadside stalls don’t have that much advertising and publicity. What’s important is that there’s a lot of traffic, and the things you sell must be attractive and arouse others’ desire to buy. Without a good location, no matter how good things are placed there, no one will look at them, let alone buy them. Before selling anything, be sure to conduct inspections at least four or five times at different points in time.
3. Furthermore, there must be advertising.
Places with stalls usually have a lot of traffic, so you need to advertise well so that others will know what you are selling. If you are there quietly, others may not notice you at all. When we were cooking rice, we used a small speaker so that anyone passing by could hear it. In addition, we also made a billboard and stood it in front of the stall. The billboard showed the types and prices of fried rice, coupled with exquisite pictures.
4. Finally, the price is affordable and fixed.
One of the most important things about setting up a stall is that the price should be affordable and fixed. It cannot be the same price every time. Bargaining is very time-consuming. The price is based on market conditions and must be affordable and fixed. After all, it is a roadside stall. There are no store fees, rent, labor, etc. The price must be affordable. If it cannot be sold at the same price as the store, there will be no business. There is no way the environment at a roadside stall can be compared with that in a store. If the food is expensive, people might as well go to the store to consume, as the environment is much more comfortable.
Final summary:
Any industry has its own way, and if you operate it carefully, you will definitely make money. Practice makes perfect in everything. Explore slowly and be willing to learn, which can help you grow. In addition, harmony makes money, and there should be no friction with anyone, so that business can come and go and last for a long time.

II、When setting up a stall at a rural market, how can you attract more people to visit?

In the past two years, with the development of rural areas towards urbanization, supermarkets and shopping malls have appeared all over the villages and towns. Taobao and franchise stores have also followed in the countryside! In a place with a small population, it is becoming increasingly difficult for small businesses and street vendors to do business!

The selectivity of products for street stalls in rural areas is a very critical issue. When setting up street stalls in rural areas, you must pay attention to the selection of products and choose items that farmers urgently need and that are essential in daily life. Such as grains, oils, vegetables, fruits, daily necessities and daily miscellaneous goods, etc., the choices must be diversified, mainly groceries. Generally speaking, farmers want to sell what they want. There is no limit to everything. They must have everything to meet the needs of farmers. To make money.

When setting up street stalls in rural areas, the products must not be single, simple in structure and type, or some durable goods that farmers do not need much, or goods that are overpriced.

You must be able to shout. It is the most traditional shouting. Not only can we shout with a traditional voice, but we can also buy a headset amplifier and a speaker to loop what we say. We can write our own product jingles and say them as stand-up comics. Customers are curious. Psychologically, if something novel happens, it is easy to attract customers. This requires you to be thick-skinned and eloquent. However, it depends on the products you sell. Not just shouting about anything will have an effect.

Of course the most important thing is the price advantage, which requires high cost performance. For example, pork is 21 pounds, but if you are blind, you can sell chicken legs for only five yuan. Although the meat is not It's the same, but rural people don't think so much. They only know that it's all meat but the price is several times different.

In fact, setting up a stall to do business is a convenient way for people to earn some meager profits, which is convenient for the surrounding people and also earns a small profit from it.

There is another factor here. No matter what method you use to set up street stalls, many places now prohibit you from setting up street stalls to pre vent being investigated. In addition, no matter what the editor recommends when setting up a street stall to do business, it is still reasonable and reasonable. You cannot occupy the street to set up a stall, and it is legal and compliant and you do not trade illegal items.

III、Approximately how many goods are needed to set up a stall at a comic exhibition
0.0 to set up a stall? Do you mean you are in the field?
If it takes three days, it depends on what type of spre ad you are selling.
For three days of magazines, light novels, etc., it is enough to pre pare 70-100 copies based on the general sales volume.
As for peripheral gadgets, it’s hard to say that. If it sells well, hundreds of pieces can be sold. It depends on the quality of the things you sell.
When it comes to doujinshi, it all depends on the production quality. Even if a good doujinshi only has a few pages, it will give the reader an indescribable sense of satisfaction. 0.0 A good doujinshi of average quality can last for dozens of pages. Pages may not be favored by others. I have gone to comic exhibitions of various sizes dozens of times. I have the deepest impre ssion of doujinshi. I once saw a good doujinshi that sold out in one morning at the comic exhibition. Taking out all the inventory, there are nearly 140 copies.
To sum up, the higher the popularity of the comic exhibition, the higher the sales volume. This is for sure, and although your 9 square meters of space is not too big at the comic exhibition I went to, it is still relatively ordinary. It is indeed very big. I suggest you make a billboard (commonly used in comic exhibitions, a shelf with a large poster and a painting by the author. A custom-made banner for a booth only costs between 30-50 yuan) to attract people to use it. As for selling it, It all depends on the quality and finish of the production.
Ps: My personal suggestion is that if you sell doujinshi, you can be more careful when giving handbags. Personally, I often go for handbags. =w=
IV、Tips for setting up street stalls

In setting up street stalls, because there are no fixed stalls, the products sold must be suitable for the stall owner to carry. Therefore, it can be inferred that setting up street stalls is mainly for buying and selling small items. Daily necessities must be cheap.

1. From the perspective of consumers, the products on street stalls should be relatively cheap, otherwise they would rather go to shopping malls and supermarkets to buy them. In addition, if the products on the street stall are more unique, it will be easier to attract customers. The main categories of street stalls include: accessories, toys, books, snacks, etc.

2. People who set up street stalls have the following attributes: people who have a certain amount of time and relatively small capital but have the desire to start a business; people who have no job and need to find a way to earn living expenses. Specifically, there are several major categories: college students, laid-off workers, unemployed people, young office workers, etc.

3. The profit model of street stalls. Since there are no other fixed expenses for street stalls, such as rent, water and electricity bills, taxes, staff wages and other related expenses, the profit model of street stalls can be simplified as : Profit = payment for selling goods - payment for purchasing goods.

4. Time: Night is the prime time for setting up street stalls, the specific time is 5:00-10:30. This time period is the peak period for people to go out, especially in summer, people like to go out to enjoy the cool air. and a breath of fresh air.

Extended information

1. Accurate market Forecasting is the pre requisite for making money. For example, if a naval battle is about to begin, then a large amount of artillery, bows, and cooking will undoubtedly be consumed during the naval battle. Based on the prices of items on the market, your own production efficiency can roughly estimate the profit. If the profit is OK, there is no doubt that You can't let go of such an opportunity. Another example is that the last time the reputation was opened, you could switch to shipbuilding. The demand for saws suddenly increased. If you have accurate pre dictions about the market, making money will definitely not be a problem.

2. Location selection. Not just a place with a lot of people is a good place to set up a street stall. A little further out, in a place with a large flow of people and a relatively open space is the best choice. This is a small area. Generally speaking, what kind of goods are sold in which city, such as fishing +1, the price in Lisbon can be completely higher than the heat.