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Advertisement board on the side of clothing store entrance

How to hang up billboards in clothing stores?

1. Vertical and horizontal placement. Some hang on the front and side walls of retail stores. If the retail store is at an intersection, it is best to place a sign on each side so that pedestrians in different directions can see it from a distance. We can often see that the signs of retail stores are designed on two or three sides to make it easier for passers-by to see them coming from different directions.

2. Place them in parallel. The store sign is set in a parallel position directly above the store.

3. Place vertically. Sometimes store signs are erected perpendicular to the side of the store.

Store billboard design template-how to design a store billboard
Store billboard

Store billboards have industry requirements. Various industries have different requirements for billboards. When making billboards for stores in various industries, they must have different characteristics. Some stores with a long history have different requirements in modern and ancient times. In addition, the materials used for store billboards can be door billboards made with the same type of light box inkjet printing.

The doorway billboard looks very simple in form and content, but this simplicity should be understood as simplification or simplicity, which is the ultimate expre ssion of the doorway billboard through every link. enterprise. The spirit of the store. The Besai logo tells you its design process to help store owners understand what is a simple copy of the store's name and what is a simple reflection of the store's connotation.

1. Doorway billboard design style

First of all, doorway billboard design will design the shape of the billboard according to the shape of the store door and the style of the store. Designers must design the dimensions accurately and the shape must match the location of the door head.

2. The size of the doorway billboard production

Secondly, the doorway billboard needs to be produced with design drawings. Consider the design pattern according to the size of the billboard, and the design elements that must be arranged in the billboard according to the theme.

3. The special features of a good door billboard

Finally, choose inkjet cloth or choose a light box to display the door billboard. Which material or shape can best expre ss the design? For door billboards, you can choose round, square or special-shaped light boxes to make store signs with a special image. The material's durability and ability to resist damaging corrosion are chosen based on the cost of fabrication and the length of time it will be used.

Door billboards are advertising signs that need to be made in every store. In this way, the main business information and characteristics of the store can be clearly expre ssed, and it can also help consumers very much. Find the store or company quickly, it will provide some guidance.

How to design a store billboard

How to design a store billboard. 1. The location of the store signboard. The store signboard should be eye-catching in terms of location design and have a good visual area. Because when the store is open, all information in the store has open access, so there must be enough space for people to see clearly. If there is not enough space, then you need to consider how to deal with this problem, because different exhibition halls require different spaces. If there are special signs or public signs, they must be marked in the exhibition hall as much as possible so that people can see them and help people understand them. 2. Color of clothing store signboards Clothing signboards are basically red and yellow. If it is to promote the automotive clothing industry, it can be compact, stable and comfortable.

Teach you how to make door advertisements

When decorating the door letters and company storefronts, we will consider reflecting the characteristics of the company. Each company They are all engaged in different industries, and each industry has its own characteristics

For example, even restaurants have different tastes and different styles of meals to highlight the characteristics of their own companies

Give Customers convey information clearly

We also often see blister light boxes/blister luminous characters and advertising signs on the roadside

Xinyang cuisine, Hunan style, Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, etc. , we know what the signature characters are for

We can clearly choose according to our own taste

When designing the luminous characters, we must help the customer establish the theme and reflect the theme. Features of the company

The back panel is made of steel frame anti-corrosion wood, and the advertising words are blister luminous letters

Lamp pole advertising, which is the most popular outdoor billboard method on the market. , this method can solve many complex outdoor advertising situations. If the complexity of the store is too high, the cost of using some decorative advertising will be very high. This outdoor billboard approach will save costs, have a longer lifespan, and is easy to maintain.

Mostly used in teahouses, foot bath shops, and some stores. Enterprises usually do not use this method

Use billboards set up outdoors to make outdoor billboards

Billboards are designed according to the space Divided into: outdoor billboards and indoor billboards, common outdoor advertising include: door billboards, high pillar billboards (commonly known as anti-aircraft guns), street signs also called roadside billboards, blister light boxes, neon billboards, LED billboards , LED billboards, etc., and now there are even advanced outdoor advertising forms such as balloons and airships
