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What kind of billboard can’t be blown away by a typhoon?

⑴What kind of houses are easily blown down by typhoons, and what kinds are not easily blown down?
Wooden houses, iron plate riveted and welded houses, and other integral houses, as well as tall and light houses are particularly susceptible to being blown down by typhoons. . Houses with deep foundations and integral reinforced concrete are not easily blown down by typhoons.
⑵Where is the safest place to park during a typhoon?
How to park your car safely to avoid typhoon damage?
When parking, it is recommended to choose an open parking lot and avoid parking under flower pots, air conditioners, billboards, street lights, telephone poles, trees, etc. to avoid damage to the vehicle by heavy objects blown down by wind and rain.
When choosing a parking space, observe the surrounding conditions and avoid being close to open-air billboards or flower pots, debris, etc. to avoid being damaged by objects blown down by wind and rain.
During typhoon weather, do not choose to park in low-lying areas, such as bridge holes and other places where water is likely to accumulate, to avoid the vehicle being submerged in water. Also do not park on rescue passages, such as emergency lanes, fire exits, etc., so as not to hinder the work of rescue personnel.
When choosing a parking lot, check whether the drainage system is complete to pre vent vehicles from being flooded in the parking lot. At the same time, do not choose a parking lot that is not staffed and maintained.
In bad weather, do not drive forcefully and stay alert at all times. If necessary, find a safer place to stop. When encountering water on the road, do not risk passing quickly. Keep a certain distance and pass slowly to reduce the damage caused by the water to the vehicle. Slow down your driving speed and turn on hazard warning lights, position lights, low beam lights, and front and rear fog lights to ensure your own safety and the safety of vehicles in front and behind you.
