What are the types of elevator advertisements?

1、Nowadays, almost every elevator is equipped with advertising positions, and various elevator advertisements can be placed. So how should we analyze the effectiveness of elevator advertisements?

Elevator advertising is a new type of advertising media. The increasing innovation of science and technology allows elevators to provide richer forms of expre ssion for advertising to various enterprises and merchants, and at the same time it also improves the publicity effect. Its effect also further strengthens the role of advertising in supporting city image construction.

Elevator advertising includes: elevator frame advertising, elevator projection advertising, elevator door sticker advertising, electronic screen advertising and other forms. Different forms of elevator advertising have different characteristics and delivery effects.

1. Elevator frame advertising

Mainly in the form of posters, it is a simple and efficient elevator print media, distributed on the inner wall of the elevator car. 24 hours uninterrupted, the audience has long contact time and high contact frequency; the screen can carry a large amount of information, and the repeated reading rate is high. It is the most common form of elevator advertising.

2. Elevator projection

Project the picture onto the top of the inner wall of the elevator in the office building, thereby attracting the attention of passengers. The elevator projection advertisement is horizontally aligned with the height of the person, making the projection advertisement undesirable. It has a compulsory viewing effect without watching; the expre ssion form and imagination space are richer, the dynamic pictures can better catch the audience's attention, and the combination of sound and picture has a strong impact.

Choose Qiping for elevator projection - Qiping elevator projection advertising machine

3. Elevator door stickers

The elevator door is a passenger The focus of attention, whether going up or down the elevator, must be the movement of the door. Elevator door stickers can first attract the audience's attention; elevator door stickers are at eye level, which is most convenient for reading and is conducive to the audience's reception. Understand information and enhance memory.

4. Elevator electronic screen

LED display screen is used to play video advertisements and picture advertisements. It is especially suitable for high-end brands’ compre hensive multimedia technology to deliver compre hensive product information to consumers. Promotional information, etc. Improve the visibility and display effect of products at sales terminals and stimulate impulse purchases.

Its dynamic pictures and realistic colors can attract consumers’ active attention. In addition, the time it plays is generally when the target audience is relatively idle and bored waiting time, so most audiences do not want to watch it. You will have a rebellious mentality toward it, and you will actively choose to watch it.

There are various forms of elevator advertising, and each form has its own advantages and disadvantages. Only by utilizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses and choosing the elevator advertising form that best suits you can you maximize the effectiveness of elevator advertising.
