Which is the cheapest billboard in Yunnan?

⒈Do large outdoor billboards need to pass the urban management system?

Yes, billboards must be approved by the urban management department before they can be produced. Outdoor advertising requires urban management approval and a certain fee. The fee is determined by the location and size of the advertisement and local administrative regulations.

When installing billboards, you should go to the urban construction and city appearance department to go through the formalities. Otherwise, it is an illegal act, and the urban management department can impose administrative penalties on the urban construction department.

Article 34 of the "Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Regulations" stipulates that any person who commits one of the following acts shall, in addition to being ordered by the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the urban people's government or its entrusted unit to correct the illegal acts, In addition to taking remedial measures, warnings and fines may also be imposed:

1. Spitting, defecating, and littering with waste such as peels, paper scraps, and cigarette butts.

2. Graffiti or engraving on urban buildings, facilities and trees, or hanging or posting promotional materials without approval.

Extended information:

Information required for approval:

① 2 copies of the store business license or approved industrial and commercial name;

② 2 copies of the rental contract;

③ 2 copies of outdoor billboard renderings (the renderings need to be in color, and when taking pictures, take pictures of about 80cm above and below the door) ;

④Application report (including setting location, release time, content, form, specifications, quantity; in duplicate);

⑤2 copies of property rights certificate;

⑤2 copies of property rights certificate;

⑥ 1 copy of the store location map; (it can be downloaded from Baidu or other websites, but the specific location of the store must be marked on the map).

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Billboard

⒉What does it mean to attract money?

Absorbing money is a new word popular on the Internet and society, which refers to getting money quickly. The term attracting money mainly applies to stars or celebrities, as well as large-scale economic activities, but on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, attracting money is used by many college students.

October 1, 2009 was the day to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The enthusiasm of people across the country was unpre cedentedly high. Many college students took advantage of the holidays to sell national flags part-time, because they were very easy to sell, which reflected the effect of attracting money.

Extended information

Money-attracting news: Rainie Yang In order to attract money, Rainie Yang's contract with Sony expired after she released her new album in December 2009. It is said that Sony offered three albums and a signing bonus of 60 million yuan to renew her contract. Agent Jiang Chengjin said on October 5 that the two parties had reached an agreement and only needed to sign. If income from advertising, movies, and TV series are included, Rainie Yang earned approximately NT$110 million in 2009.

Rainie Yang’s last contract with Sony expired at the end of 2008. At that time, it was reported that Sony offered to renew the contract for 3 albums and 50 million yuan. However, it is reported that Rainie Yang only renewed the contract for 1 album and signed a contract with Sony. The gold is about 15 million yuan. In addition to recordings, Rainie Yang is constantly receiving invitations from advertisements, idol dramas, and movies.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Attracting Money
