Community elevator advertising contracting costs

本文目录一览壹、Who should get the advertising revenue from the elevator in the community?
When we often take the elevator, we will see some advertisements posted inside the elevator. So who should the advertising revenue go to?
According to the law, the income generated by the construction unit, property service company or other managers from the owner's jointly owned portion, after deducting reasonable costs, belongs to the owner's jointly owned portion. Therefore, after deducting the installation costs of advertising facilities, the advertising revenue in residential elevators in the community should belong to the owners. We can get a more detailed understanding through the following case:
Between 2015 and 2019, a property company collected a total of 64,000 yuan in community elevator advertising fees. After the community property owners committee was established, the property management company refused when it requested the return of the fee. The company claims that advertising fees are operating income and should be used to make up for the shortfall in property service fees. The community property owners committee later sued the property company to the court, demanding a refund of 64,000 yuan.
The court held that the advertising fees collected for elevator rental in the community involved should belong to all the owners of the community. The advertising fees at issue in this case were owned by the property management company. It did not provide any basis for the loss of property service fees, and it was also contrary to the announcement of rental income from elevator advertising issued in advance. The advertising fees should be returned.
Legal basis:
Article 282 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
Income generated by construction units, property service companies or other managers from the owners' shared parts shall be After deducting reasonable costs, it belongs to the owners.

贰、Legal community elevator advertising revenue and community elevator advertising charging standards
Many people don’t know about the legal community elevator advertising revenue and community elevator advertising charging standards. Today I will answer the above questions for you. Now let’s Let’s take a look!
1. Check which city it is in and what types of advertisements are there.
2. The 1.0 frame posters in Beijing communities are priced at 120 to 150 yuan a week. Let’s see which ones you want to know more about.

叁、Standards for charging property elevator advertising fees

Legal analysis: Generally speaking, renting an elevator to them costs about 5,000 to 12,000 yuan. Of course, the specific situation will be analyzed in detail, such as real estate, Different regions will affect this part of the rental cost. However, many owners do not know where this cost goes, and they have little understanding of the cost of elevator advertising. The editor recommends that owners pay attention to it.

Legal basis: Article 282 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China: The income generated by construction units, property service companies or other managers from the owner's common parts, after deducting reasonable costs, Commonly owned by the owners.

肆、How much does it cost to open an elevator advertising company?

A simple cost analysis:

1. Elevator contracting costs. According to the regional flow of people, the annual contract price of an elevator is generally between 1,000 and 2,000. For 100 elevators, it is at least 100,000;

2. Labor costs. There should be at least one person to design and two people to install, and the annual salary is almost 150,000;

3. Company equipment. A minivan is necessary, as well as office equipment, venue rental, etc., which cost almost 100,000;

4. Advertising equipment. The worst frame costs 20 yuan each. 100 elevators generally have 400 positions, which is almost 10,000. If you add a TV light box, the cost will be even greater;

5. Other expenses, working capital and 100,000.

In this way, almost 500,000 funds are needed to operate the company.

Nowadays, the traditional advertising industry is greatly impacted by digital media. Before investing, you need to carefully investigate the local advertising industry, market information, etc. to avoid unnecessary detours.
