
本文目录一览壹、What does Feng Shui with yellow characters on a red background mean?
Feng Shui with yellow characters on a red background means vitality, auspiciousness and prosperity.
Feng Shui with yellow characters on a red background is an old-fashioned Feng Shui concept, which explains that using red as the background and yellow to expre ss the text can inspire a positive, auspicious and energetic atmosphere. Yellow is also a symbol of money, so it also conveys the good and auspicious meaning of wealth and health. At the same time, red is also considered a symbol of happiness, so it also repre sents the auspicious blessings of happiness and luck. Yellow characters on a red background are actually not very good from a scientific perspective. On the one hand, it is not easy to identify; second, it can easily make people anxious. The best colors for signs are red with white or white with yellow. The color matching recognition of yellow characters on a red background is very low. When people use it as a signboard, they look up and notice that the words are not immediately recognizable. If you cannot attract customers at the first time, the customer turnover rate will be very high in the future, which is not conducive to future operations.
So when we choose the color of the signboard, the most taboo is the combination of red background and yellow characters. When we mix colors with logos, we usually use warm and cool colors to keep the mood calm and cheerful. Yellow and red are both warm colors, they are both hot. If the two colors are matched together, it will inevitably lead to anxiety due to irritability, or even conflict with others, which is not conducive to business. Feng Shui, also known as Qingwu Shu and Qingnang Shu, is a mystical art with a long history in the Chinese nation. Wind is vitality and field energy, water is flow and change. The founder is the Taoist goddess Jiutian Xuannv. The core idea of ​​Feng Shui is the harmony between man and nature, to achieve the "unity of man and nature." Early Feng Shui mainly concerned methods and principles such as the location, orientation, and construction of palaces, residences, villages, and cemeteries.

贰、What color of words are conspicuous on a red background of a billboard?

A billboard with a red background with yellow and white words is more conspicuous. Most billboards with a red background have words of two colors.

1. Yellow, pre ferably golden, looks grand and prominent.

2. White, white may be more conspicuous than yellow.

3. Advertisements are made to be eye-catching, and people will remember them at a glance. By observing them at any time, you can understand which color combinations can achieve the best results. Generally speaking, red goes with yellow, red goes with white.

叁、What is the best background color for billboards?

Yellow and red: The combination of these two colors can directly attract your eyes to the middle position. Against the background of the happy yellow, the vibrant red is particularly highlighted, creating an energy and vitality of the company's luminous signs.

Blue and green: Blue and green often give us a sense of calmness and stability, but the combination of electronic blue and lime green is more energetic and youthful. The combination of bright colors is usually used by companies related to marketing, media or entertainment.

肆、What color is the most conspicuous on sea cucumber billboards?
The red background of sea cucumber billboards with yellow and white characters is more conspicuous.
The red background and yellow characters on the sea cucumber billboard imply vitality, auspiciousness and prosperity. Yellow characters on a red background use red as the background and use yellow to expre ss the text, which can inspire a positive, auspicious and energetic atmosphere. Yellow is also a symbol of money, so it also conveys the good and auspicious meaning of wealth and health. At the same time, red is also considered a symbol of happiness, so it also repre sents the auspicious blessings of happiness and luck.
The red background of the sea cucumber billboard with white characters gives people a generous and steady feeling. The red background with white fonts can easily attract the attention of potential customers. Even when walking, an outdoor billboard with white and red objects will appear in the corner of your eye, and your eyes will naturally be attracted to it.
