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Popular high-end elevator advertising

绪叔琦2024-09-20 19:14:39威海广告网百科7505
大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于Popular high-end elevator advertising的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。
How to do advertising promotion?
First of all, you need to look at what kind of project Chang Ju Sun is. You have to understand what kind of people this project needs to consume, so that you can promote it in a targeted manner. There are many online advertising platforms, with mixed reviews. Which one is suitable for you? is the best, and comparing profits is the essence of doing projects. It is best to find an experienced advertising agency. They will give professional and systematic advice and hope to help you.
At pre sent, there are mainly the following advertising promotion methods:
First, search engine advertising, search engine advertising is also called keyword advertising, which is a popular advertising model in China;
Sec. 2. Streaming media advertising. Streaming media advertising includes video advertising and audio advertising, which are selectively placed according to the characteristics of the product; third, TV advertising. In addition to pure advertising, TV advertising now also includes variety show advertising, which is a good method;
Fourth, information flow advertising. Information flow advertising, also called native advertising, is currently a popular advertising method;
Fifth, fixed-position advertising. For example, fixed-position advertisements on portals such as Sina and NetEase;
Sixth, online alliance advertisements. Network alliance advertising is an advertising method that unites website owners, such as Baidu Alliance, Alibaba Alliance, etc.
Seventh, outdoor advertising. There are many outdoor advertisements, and the types are very rich, so you can choose appropriately;
Eighth, elevator advertisements. Elevator advertisements have become more popular in recent years. In addition to print advertisements, Nailian also has screen advertisements;
Ninth, subway advertisements. The subway has a very large flow of people, and the exposure gained by advertising is also very considerable;