


⊙▂⊙A 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in the Taiwan Strait of my country. What common sense is there for earthquake pre vention and disaster reduction?

The common sense of earthquake pre vention and disaster reduction mainly includes the following aspects.

1. Escape in the event of an earthquake

1. If the floor is relatively low, run to a large open area as soon as possible. There should be no buildings, billboards, etc. nearby to avoid being smashed. Injure yourself twice;

2. If the floor is relatively low and it is too late to run away, try to hide in any of the four corners under the table. position, but do not hide in the center of the table, because the table is generally rectangular. If the earthquake causes the wall above to fall, it may fall from the middle of the table. If it falls in the corner, it can form a triangle, which is the best With its solid shape, people hiding inside are safe and will basically not be harmed by aftershocks. However, if people hide in the middle and the wall falls from the middle, they may be directly injured.

3. Try not to use the elevator, as it may be dangerous.

4. If you have time to distinguish, try to avoid places with more load-bearing walls and smaller spaces.

5. If you are in a shopping mall and it is too late to run out, you can go to a large pillar or near the display case of items. If possible, it is best to hold a bag on your head for protection. head.

6. If you are in a school classroom, if you have time, run to the playground. If you are not in time, hide at the corner of the table or on the podium. At the corners, in this way, even if there is a landslide, you can be protected in the collapsed triangle and protected from secondary damage.

2. Points to pay attention to after escaping

1. If you are outdoors, you should pay attention to protecting your head to pre vent high objects from collapsing or falling due to earthquakes. Fall and hurt yourself.

2. If you are walking on a mountain road, be sure to pay attention to stones rolling down the mountainside to avoid being hit.

╯^╰〉Peace Elite: The birth island is more attractive to players than being on the hot list. Why is this?

Hello everyone, this is Peace Elite time, I am Brother Aixiao, and I will bring you the latest and most complete game information every day. Peace Elite is a mobile version of the PC game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. There is no graphics card burn on the screen and it can be played on ordinary mobile phones. The most important thing is that it introduces the concept of battle royale games. In the Chinese game market, and even the world game market, the concept of this type of game is still relatively blank. What I want to talk to you today is: The birth island is more attractive to players than being on the hot list. Why is this?

Photon placed a total of three things on the birth island, billboards, hot lists, and event promotion boards. The stage players on the hot list can't go up, and the billboard doesn't make much sense, so this event promotion board can go up. If we can’t go up from the front, we’ll go up from the back. We walk up the iron pole. When we get to the top, we make a small jump, and then jump directly to the top of the event promotion board. You don’t want to attract other people’s attention here. It’s hard to pay attention. Some people say they can't find guns when they land, which means they are still unfamiliar with the map. These high resources can be said to be full of weapons. Turning on automatic pickup can allow you to pick up weapons more quickly. Use a bunker to hide your body, observe the enemy's movements from a third-person perspective, and then suddenly step out to kill the enemy. The advantage of this is that you can catch the enemy off guard.

At this moment you are the second-to-last handsome guy on the island map. Why are you the second-to-last? Because it is not perfect yet, the most perfect technique is to jump on this trophy and let three players hold you. At this time, you will be the most handsome guy. I heard that not many people know this skill yet, so hurry up and show it off to your friends. The game of chicken is actually very simple. If you want to eat chicken, you only need to kill the second player. Pointless shooting will only reveal your position and cause the enemy to take a rest. Live to eat chicken.

[This article is originally written by Brother Aixiao, who talks about games. Remember to follow me! I will continue to create more articles for you in the future]


