Rendering of clothing store billboard with red background and yellow characters

What color font is better to use on the red background of billboards
Red with yellow, red with white, blue with white, these are common combinations

Why billboards cannot use yellow characters on a red background

The reason why billboards cannot use yellow characters on a red background is that they are difficult to identify and may make people anxious.

The best color for signboards is white characters on a red background or yellow characters on a white background. The reason why yellow characters on a red background cannot be used is that the recognition is not appropriate: the color combination of yellow characters on a red background has very low recognition. , when people use it as a signboard, every time they look up, they will find that these words are not easy to distinguish immediately. If you cannot attract customers at the first sight, the rate of customer loss in the future will be very high. , which is not conducive to future business.

So when we choose the color of a sign, the most taboo is the combination of red with yellow characters; the color mood is inappropriate: When we match colors for the sign, we usually use a warm color with a cold color. Only in this way can the mood be kept calm and people feel happy. Yellow and red are both warm colors, and they are very hot warm colors. If the two colors are matched, it will definitely cause people to feel anxious and even have conflicts with others because of their anxious temper, which is not good for business.
