How to repair the broken LED lamp beads in the advertising light box

I、I recently ordered an LED electronic light box online. The red lamp beads kept breaking for two days and I replaced 15 of them. Can any expert know the cause and how to solve it?

Usually the current is too high. Burnt out. If its working current is indeed not large, then the quality of the red LED is too poor.

Using light-emitting diodes requires a current source (or constant current source) to drive. The poster’s bead string does not have a resistor, so it is driven by a voltage source. Due to the nonlinearity of the diode (characteristics as shown in the figure), when the voltage rises, the current flowing through the bead string will increase significantly, burning out the diode. After the weakest LED is burned out, the other LEDs will not be protected due to circuit breakage. It continues to burn.

It is recommended to reduce the number of bead strings and calculate the required current limiting resistor based on the lowest and highest voltages that may occur in your power supply. The principles are:

1. When the highest voltage is applied, the operating current of the bead string is still within the allowable range;

2. At the lowest voltage, the bead string still has sufficient operating current. , to avoid excessive brightness drop;

3· Under the above conditions, connect as many LEDs in series as possible (this will be more efficient).

II、LED light box repair and maintenance

Introduction: LED light box is a light box made of a backlight module formed by a light guide plate and a variety of outer frame materials. As a new multi-functional advertising carrier, LED light boxes have many advantages such as energy saving, fashion, simplicity and ease of maintenance, and have been widely used in various commercial fields. This article will introduce you to the daily maintenance and simple repair of LED light boxes.

Maintenance of LED light boxes

For LED light boxes Good maintenance and upkeep will greatly increase the service life of the LED light box and reduce the number of daily repairs, which can reduce the subsequent costs of the LED light box. In the daily maintenance of LED light boxes, the first problem is storage. Since LEDs must be stored in a dry and ventilated environment, the storage temperature should be between -40°C and 100°C, and the relative humidity should be below 85%, so the LED light box has higher requirements for the outer packaging. If the area is cold, you should consider the storage temperature; if there is a lot of rain in the area, you should pay attention to the waterproofness of the light box and take moisture-proof measures to increase the service life of the light box. Then there is the issue of cleanliness. Use caution when cleaning the light box. Due to the different manufacturing processes of LED light boxes, some light boxes are not waterproof and are prone to water seepage, while some light boxes are explicitly prohibited from being cleaned with chemical liquids in order to pre vent damage to the LED resin surface or even colloid cracks.

Repair of LED light box

When LED light box When a problem occurs, we should first determine the cause of the LED light box failure. There are three major reasons for the failure of LED light boxes: the first may be due to the loss of LED lamp beads, which may cause LED light box failure; the second may also be due to the failure of series resistors or circuits, causing problems with the LED light box; the third may be due to the failure of LED light boxes. There was a problem with the control chip, which caused the LED light box to malfunction.

To be specific, you can use the ohm range of the electronic meter, plus or minus Add the pole to the pin of the lamp. If the lamp does not light up, it means that the lamp bead is damaged and just replace it with a new one. If the lamp bead is not broken, you can use an electronic meter to check whether it is a series resistance or wiring problem. If there are no problems with all the above components, it is most likely caused by damage to the LED control chip. You can replace a chip to repair the LED light box. If you cannot restore your LED light box after using these methods, the editor recommends that you go to a professional repair shop for repair.

Through this article, do you know anything about the daily maintenance and maintenance of LED light boxes? Want to know more about simple maintenance? If you want to know more related content, please log in to Tubatu!

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